The web site has been set up for the purpose of providing general information only in relation to the Working with Children laws in the State of Victoria, Australia. This is achieved by bringing together, in one place, information found on a variety of official government web sites. As such, this web site it is not legal advice, nor should it be viewed as replacing legal advice.
The web site is not sponsored or endorsed by the Government of Victoria nor is it affiliated with the Department of Justice or the Office of the Child Safety Commissioner but is maintained through voluntary support and has been funded by Steven Unthank.
Update from "downunder":
The working with children laws became compulsory for "religious organisations" on July 1, 2008. That is over three years ago and it was the previous government that refused to take action. That administration was replaced in December 2010. Therefore, for over three years the WTBTS and JWs were non-compliant and only complied after they were criminally charged. That is three years of deliberately breaking the law, knowingly committing criminal offences and being outright lawless. There is still no apology and the elders have been silenced from talking to the rank and file as to the reasons why.