How did/do/will you answer the question..."What will you do in heaven?"

by stillstuckcruz 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Actually, to further my answer, the kingdom comes here. I think we'll be able to access the spiritual and physical world, because we'll be 'like the angels'. I just think they'll both be here (new heaven/new earth). I don't fully understand that, but I can get a sense of it. So it is not that there is an earthly hope vs. a heavenly hope. It is the same hope (of both) for all.



  • hotspur

    Maybe see if I can get a part in the remake of "It's a Wonderful Life"

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I think I'll Jam with Jimi, Bonzo, Janis, Kurt, and Jim....

    While Amy watches from Hell!


    If I ever make it to heaven I will devote my time to sucking up to God.

    If you get on the wrong side of such a powerful person - it’s a long way to fall back to earth.


    Drink Beer..Eat KFC..Order in Chinese food..


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If there are no Beatlesfest in heaven, I want to return to earth. I will worry about it when I am there. N.T. Wright, Marcus Borg write that the thoughts of disembodied people floating around with harps is crazy. Jews believed in a bodily resurrection. Also, being exposed to heavenly concepts since childhood, I no longer know what is possible. Will heaven be like as in Heaven Can Wait? Will I meet Saint Peter, who has nothiing to do except welcome newcomers. I just can't relate to heaven. Why does God need exactly 144,000 humans to rule? He is God! There are angels.

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