As some of you know I work in a hostel. About 3 weeks ago 2 ladies came in. They were from out of town and needed a place to stay until they could find jobs and get settled. They are new immigrants and their english is good but not great.
We have religous services in the building on Sunday evenings and one night they heard the announcement for it and I thought they went down. In a few minutes they came back up and 1 of the other residents said they came back because they could not find the chapel. I offered to take them down and they said no - they found it but belived in Jehovah so would not go. I assumed they went because they did not know chapel meant church.
At any rate I said ok no problem and left the room. And then I debated with myself. Should I say something. My position at work is not to preach to people but to care for their physical needs for the most part at least. I do listen to their problems and provide support when asked or needed.
Well I had a real battle inside and finally this morning decided to do something. One had already left after finding a place so it was just a matter of time before the second one left.
I stopped her and asked her what she meant by Jehovah when I asked her about chapel. She said she and her friend had been studying for about 2 years with the JWs. They had not gone to any meetings or contacted any JWs since they arrived here. But the one who had already left was going to start studying again with the hope of being baptized soon.
So I hemmed and hawed and said the reason I asked was that I sort of guessed because of their earlier remark. I told her that I had been a JW for 22 years and had found out some things that I think people should know before they got totally involved. I aslo told her that if she preferred I would never bring this up again but if she was willing I would bring her some information that she should check out before she makes any big decision. And believe it or not she said Yes she wanted to see it.
Well later in the day she cameback and said she had found a place to move to and was leaving but would have to come back later for her belongings if that was OK. I said no problem and wondered if what I had told her made her leave. She said no and said she still wanted to see the information I had.
So now here I sit wondering what is the best thing to give her. Printer is full of ink and I have tons of material but hmmm what is best.
Any ideas?
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002