Ya know what I really hate?

by outsmartthesystem 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    You are not the only who sees the hypocresy in that. My own mother applied for early social security because you know the end was around the corner 3 years ago. Since she doesn't have medical insurance nor money to pay for health care, she goes to a catholic charities clinics here in Houston, same my JW sister in Austin, TX and lots of others JWs. Any immigration issues for JWs all over the USA, call Catholic Charities they provide free consultations and representation. Moreover it was the Association of Baptist Churches (ABC program) that got amnesty for many long ago.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I used to wonder why I had such a high turn over rate with JW's in my firm. Not the skilled employees, just the non-skilled labor. Later I found out they only came to work for me to qualify later for govt help. On brother said after working for me for 6-9 months, he can milk a year out of the govt with a fairly close standard of living while employed by me. Then they pioneer until it runs out

  • james_woods
    The org is a giant leech on the butt of society. They use their tax-free status as a "religion" to accumulate hundreds of millions, all to their own benefit.
    No hospitals.
    No food banks.
    No counseling for addicts or troubled marriages (Sorry, elders printing stuff off of the WT CD and handing it to a troubled JW doesn't count)
    No organized senior assistance
    No youth groups
    Nothing that costs money basically. Just print mountains of literature and construct plain buildings for indoctrination sessions.

    And don't forget that they will practically climb the Canadian Rocky Mountains to avoid paying any kind of taxes.

  • ilikecheese

    I always wondered why JWs would accept food stamps, and a lot of them do thanks to the minimal education the organization preaches. If you say the government is evil and that you should have nothing to do with it, isn't it immense hypocrisy to accept their help? But I've heard some explain it away by saying they pay taxes and so they deserve it.

    I wonder if by some crazy instance there was someone running for president who wanted to abolish food stamps and it looked like they'd be elected, would some JW food stamp recipients secretly vote? Hmm...

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