Kingdumb maladies stuck in your head...

by Leto 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • serenitynow!

    For some reason I've been humming, "to god, we are dedicated..." I used to love that song, it would make me cry at the assembly!

  • LostGeneration

    Fadeaway- I was just looking for that video when I started reading the thread! 1:18 is hilarious when they start singing the fast part of the song!

    I just think of that video now when an old JW song pops into my head...

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Serenity - me too I'd always get a tear.... now I'd cry for real seeing all the new sheep going to the slauter baptism....

  • JeffT

    When I saw the thread title I knew my name was going to show up somewhere.

    Somebody with better poetry skills than mine should rewrite the lyrics for the benefit of the board.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Yes Jefft you are to blame!!!!

  • Girlie

    Fade_away, why did you post that video? You have me sitting at my desk crying with laughter. LMAO

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    So Glad to say.................

    the Only Hell Song I remember is House To House also....

    Never even tried to sing those Horrible Songs....

    Stood with the Songbook open thinking......... "should've gone Pee Pee"

  • ranmac

    I remember my mom used to say, the best way to get rid of an irritating song stuck in your head is to think of a kingdom melody. Kinda like punching yourself in the balls to get rid of your headache.

  • Joliette

    Its so hard to get those things out of your head! The most annoying thing ever. All these years. Its so hard to get it out. Mind controlling songs!

  • JAFO

    It took over 20 years "out" but those damn songs finally stopped popping into my head.. 'til you buggers started this thread.. thanks a lot.

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