Giordano said :
His brand of Christianity is based on humanistic qualities,concerns. and values. He lives in the real world and I guess he feels that the best teachings of Jesus have value even in this day and age. He is marching to a different drummer and he is becoming more and more mainstream as more and more people describe themselves as Christians but unaffiliated with any denomination.
He's one of the few who can resolve many of the ugly things one can find in the bible and liberate the basic and simple teachings of the Jewish Rabbi......... Jesus.
If the Bible is as unreliable as Spong claims, how do we know that Jesus taught anything that has been attributed to him or that there even was a rabbi named Jesus? If Judas Iscariot is a fictional character, why not Jesus also? Or if not a total fiction, then surely nothing more than a legendary figure fashioned, obscured, and embellished over the centuries to create a religious leader of the storytellers' own making.
Isn't that exactly what he is doing -- picking, choosing, and recreating a Jesus he would like better?
Giordano said, "His brand of Christianity is based on humanistic qualities, concerns, and values."
Precisely! It isn't the Christianity of history. It's not the Jesus of the Bible. It's a Christianity and a Jesus of Spong. It's a "Jesus" shorn of all his supernatural claims and actions. Jesus couldn't have done supernatural things and he wouldn't have made supernatural claims or said any of the unkind or judgmental things fundamentalists attribute to him, so excise all of that.
Take what you like of Jesus and discard the rest. You are left with a smorgasboard Jesus of your own making. Not surprisingly, this "Jesus" reflects your own "humanistic qualities, concerns, and values." Not surprisingly, he is in full accord with your moral, social, and political agendas. Create your own Jesus and build your own church around him. Such a "Jesus" can be a secular humanist, a cosmic humanist, an astrologer... whatever you like. Great fun!
But wouldn't it be far more intellectually honest openly to throw out all this Jesus-and-Bible religion stuff and publish in one's own name one's preferred list of "humanistic qualities, concerns, and values"?
Why talk in terms of "Jesus" and "Christianity" at all? Isn't that really an effort to enhance the credibility of one's own humanistic value system by passing it off as the teachings of "Jesus," hoping that people will be gullible enough to believe that it is the real, historic Christianity?
How is that significantly different than Fred Franz producing a Bible "translation" that just happens to match his own biased interpretations? True Christian writers would have used the name "Jehovah" so "restore" it to the text. Much better! Proves that the WT is "the truth."
You want a humanist, non-supernatural Jesus instead? No problem!
Isn't that the very sort of fraud Spong thinks fundamentalists are perpetrating by promoting their preferred version of Jesus?
This is intellectual honesty? This is great scholarship?