Adam and Eve didnt have...

by snare&racket 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Religions used to defenc circumcision as being healthy and a means to reduce infection, all totally rebutted by modern medicine. If anything gives you a clue that something is up... is when a god asks for all the men to have their willy chopped !

    It goes back to sexual repression, desensitising the end of the WANG so as to not enjoy sex as much. It is disgusting and practiced in the region both on men and women. Women lose their labia and the clioris, the vagina in sewn up so only pee can exit.

    The need for blood and the element of triabl markings is also a part of it, all pre-jewish and all very pagan bullshit.

    But yes... no belly button. Ok I lie.... the father and mother of mankind DID have a belly button as they had evolved from apes.

  • LoneWolf

    LOL, N.drew!

    I have a better question for you! I have an acquaintance with 6 nipples! They are arranged down his torso with the first two in the normal position and the other two pair at lower levels and increasingly smaller. Explain that will you!

    Do you know of any women like that?


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    a clue

  • Leolaia
    (1919 BCE) Men had their foreskins until god made a covenant with Abraham for the nations to be blessed through Abraham's seed.

    Except for the ancient Egyptians. They had been circumcising for generations before Abraham was an apple in Terah's eye.

  • snare&racket

    Lone wolf, your friend is a cat x

  • snare&racket

    lol leolaia,

    Before he was an itch in his dad's undies !

  • cofty

    Philip Henry Gosse (6 April 1810- 23 August 1888) was an English naturalist and popularizer of natural science.

    He believed that he had discovered a theory that might neatly resolve the seeming contradiction in the age of the earth between the evidence of God's Word and the evidence of His creation as expounded by such contemporary geologists as Charles Lyell In 1857, two years before the publication of Charles Darwin Origin of Species Gosse published Omphalos: an Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot and thereby created what has been called the Omphalos hypothesis

    Gosse argued that if one assumed creation ex nihilo there would necessarily be traces of previous existence that had never actually occurred. "Omphalos" is Greek for "navel", and Gosse argued that the first man, Adam did not require a navel because he was never born; nevertheless he must have had one, as do all complete human beings, just as God must have created trees with rings that they never grew. Thus, Gosse argued that the fossil record coprolites might also be evidence of life that had never actually existed but which may have been instantly formed by God at the moment of creation. Wiki

  • snare&racket

    Interesting but he is wrong. When he was first formed there was no females, therefore no plan to procreate or give birth and therefore have belly buttons. Only after Adam saw other animals had partners did he ask for one too.... besides adam and eve are make belief.

    Adam also would have had no testicles... until Eve showed up. They would serve no purpose to a single Adam walking around naming all the animals .... man I can't believe people still believe this crazy crap...

  • blondie

    That's true Leiola, but were they asked by god (supposedly) to do that as a sign of a covenant between them and god? What made the Egyptians choose circumcision?


  • OnTheWayOut
    a threesome?

    Don't be so sure. The Bible says that Adam tested out the animals. You never know what else he tried once Eve arrived. The Bible doesn't include everything that happened.

    Adam and Eve didn't have....

    .....a history to throw in each others' faces.

    "All the men I could have wound up with instead of you. My mother said I could do better, find a guy with better clothes than fig leaves."

    "Oh yeah, well if she didn't turn out to be crazy, I would have stayed with Lilith. I had the pick of all those hot chicks that I dated in high school."

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