And what attire did Jesus and the apostles wear? My sister was reprimanded for fishnets when she was in 5th grade. Not a sexy statement. When I grew up, you could not wear pants to school. Almost every black female wore pants with a skirt thrown over the pants. They had some common sense.
The rules are usually the personal dictates of an elder. They are not Bible based. Most of them do not even address what is business wear in the local community. The skirts only bothers me the most. It is so sexist. A demeaned, beaten down woman can wear pants and a perky, worldly woman can wear pants. No one has a similar rule. Well, maybe fundamentalist Mormons. Aren't those prairie dresses something? Talk about calling attention to yourself.
Similarly, I worked in a large corporate law firm. White shirts are not the norm. Blue, pink, yellow and striped shirts make major appearance. All white shirts remind me of Black Muslims. There is modesty and then there is bizarre. No elder has ever served time on either Vogue magazine or Gentlemen's Quarterly.