Weird things JWs can't own or wear

by lilbluekitty 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    And what attire did Jesus and the apostles wear? My sister was reprimanded for fishnets when she was in 5th grade. Not a sexy statement. When I grew up, you could not wear pants to school. Almost every black female wore pants with a skirt thrown over the pants. They had some common sense.

    The rules are usually the personal dictates of an elder. They are not Bible based. Most of them do not even address what is business wear in the local community. The skirts only bothers me the most. It is so sexist. A demeaned, beaten down woman can wear pants and a perky, worldly woman can wear pants. No one has a similar rule. Well, maybe fundamentalist Mormons. Aren't those prairie dresses something? Talk about calling attention to yourself.

    Similarly, I worked in a large corporate law firm. White shirts are not the norm. Blue, pink, yellow and striped shirts make major appearance. All white shirts remind me of Black Muslims. There is modesty and then there is bizarre. No elder has ever served time on either Vogue magazine or Gentlemen's Quarterly.

  • lifestooshort

    no porn. no sexy posters.

  • finallysomepride

    What I would like know is, how long have tattoos been considered as clothing LOL (re 1st post)

  • PaintedToeNail

    @watersprout-of course women can wear anything they want and be comfortable and sometimes look totally hideous. Tube tops on anyone other than the uber skinny tend to make one look like a cow in dire need of milking. People don't have to look at themselves when they are out and about, other people do. I've been in New York City in the morning, people walking around with their faces unwashed and total bed head, comfy-yes, attractive-no. I've been to store where people were shopping in their pajamas and slippers, comfy-yes, attractive-no. I'm sure you are very sexy in your heels on the tennis court, but I'm betting that your game sucks or you've managed to turn your ankle.

    Dignitaries around the world require people who have an audience with them to dress properly. The Queen of England requires that no one have open shoes, and ladies must wear pantyhose. Is she wrong in asking that? Or is she merely reinforcing the dignity her position affords? Many restaurants require 'proper attire', even ties for men and dresses or skirts for women.

    It is nice to show that your respect yourself enough to look your best when out in public, you only get one chance to make a first impression. How many homes did you go to in 'service' that were so filthy and disgusting that you needed a wet wipe after you knocked on the door, and you washed your hands first chance you got? You made an automatic assumption the people were dirty, because they took no pains to let you know anything else, that's what they wanted you to know, otherwise they would've picked up the garbage and dog crap. People will judge you for how you dress, for that is the only message you are sending when out in public.


  • james_woods
    The Queen of England requires that no one have open shoes, and ladies must wear pantyhose. Is she wrong in asking that?

    There is another style of ladies hosiery that many men prefer to pantyhose, so yes - she is wrong in that. (if she really said "pantyhose")

    The point to the thread is that 7 senile old geezers in a retirement home in Brooklyn have no business telling 7 million people how to dress.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I can't imagine Queen Elizabeth enforces the dress code. Altho I am American, I doubt the rules are an Act of Parliament. She has had to cope with scandalous divorces and a son whose close friend is a pedophile. Elizabeth, esp. with her father, can edure naked legs. Yes, naked legs. The rules are suggestions. I expect people conform to be nice.

    I had to wear a skirt suit to work. As a matter of fact, I once was a true fashionista with subscriptions to 8 different fashion magazines. I visited all the major dept stores- Bloomie's, Barney's , Bergdorfs', Henri Bendel and the specialty shops on Madison, Ralph Lauren, Hermes, Chanel, Gucci. It was my entertainment. My time was spent sewing Advanced Vogue. I prefer the corporate attire rules for work.My shoes were always Ferragamos not Jimmy Choos. God never enforced it. Did Mary the Mother and Mary Magadalene wear closed pumps and pantyhose?

    The culture determines dress codes. Despite all of the above, my all time favorite is NYC street fashion. Art students do the coolest stuff that is art, not mass merchandising. God does not make dress codes. I would hope he cares about your heart and your spirit. Actions you take in life and not whether your pumps are closed or peeped toe. Mormon underwear is ridiculous to me. Just my opinion. Clean is a good first step.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Of course it is cultural, the USA is notorious for its puritanical ideas, Warren Jeffs and the Amish dress code come to mind. Having been in Europe approximately 10 years ago and seeing JW women wearing pants in street work witnessings, I was horribly jealous. That wouldn't fly in the US. But, it never, ever hurts to look great whatever you are doing.

    @James-semantics, darling, semantic, pantyhose, nylons, stockings whatever you call them in your locale. The hosiery manufacturers are elatec with the new Duchess, as leg wear is required, after lagging sales for years, women are now buying the constricting things again. I'm sure most men really like the crotchless kind, but just don't tell the Queen!


  • designs

    Nehru jackets were cool (circa late 60s) but you'd better not show up for Service in one.

  • WTWizard

    I bet the list would grow longer if the witlesses were allowed to access the internet without being harassed about it. People in tropical regions would pick up on bans from the northern and southern regions. People in North America would pick up on prohibitions in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and even in places like Australia and New Zealand. People in tiny Polynesian islands or in the far north Atlantic would pick up on mainland prohibitions, and the hounders would soon start enforcing them. Or, one congregation picks up a ban on something, and before long everyone is banning it.

    Perhaps the Internet ban on the witlesses has a silver lining.

  • N.drew

    Even as I was "in" hoping for God's Will to be done by the Society, I knew something had to change. The Dress Code was evil. They would reason that to look one's cleanest best they were being respectful to Almighty God. But the god sees the inside of a person.* So those who are homeless or have handicap in the way of cleanliness and who need the Good News the most are discouraged from coming to the meetings to learn, which is what the whole shabang is suppose to be about. Teaching and Learning. But some of the best people, them who are best because they have "checked out" of "satan's system" are the same ones who won't come to the meetings, and I don't blame them.

    *I have hunch that science will someday recognize a foreign power IN man, but sadly for Goliath it won't be enough.

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