Is The WTBTS' View Of Homosexuality Softening?

by JW GoneBad 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wobble

    Hopefully, if any JW's actually read the Public edition, it will make them even more aware of how the WT lies,by telling half truths, or with holding the truth.

    I know I was aware of this when I was "in", and I swallowed the line that peoples faith had to be built up before they learned all the WT secrets, faith in the Organization of course.

    They don't know how to love or be compassionate towards any who are not JW, and are extremely hard hearted towards any with an alternative lifestyle or sexuality.

    They just wont show any of that attitude in the Public WT, how deceitful, even the Westboro' Baptist Church are open about their evil beliefs.

  • scotsman

    Well if it is softening they have forgotten to tell any of my family and former friends. Not heard a peep out of 99% them in 8 years. I'm not disfellowshipped, just a"practicing" gay (although I probably now qualify as "professional/expert").

  • agent zero
    agent zero
    What's an NPG?

    Non-Practicing Gay

  • bottleofwater

    reminds me of NGO

  • blondie

    I was told by some Bethel elders that homosexuality was worse than adultery and murder because it was a "gross" sin. I looked that up in the WTS publications and lo and behold adultery is said to be a "gross" sin as well. I was told too that adultery was "natural." I wonder why it was a capital offense under the Law if it was "natural"?

  • outsmartthesystem

    Does anyone have an example of the society's true feelings towards gays? (i.e. a study edition article that basically condemns them?)

  • cofty

    I think they are a little bit more cautious with what they say these days for legal and PR reasons.

    I remember many years ago at Edinburgh, Murrayfield convention the speaker mentioned homosexuality, then he paused and said in a very loud voice "Lets call them what they really are, SODOMITES!". He was probably in the closet.

    If the same thing happened today in Scotland a complaint to the police could result in his arrest and prosecution.

  • erbie

    The bible is quite clear about homosexuality right?

    Please don't be offended by my words but I have always understood this to be the case. I guess what I'm saying is that what I think or what Jo Bloggs thinks or what the GB thinks is irrelevant. If they believe they are following the bible then naturally they will condemn it.

    Just to avoid any confusion, I believe God loves us all. Whether or not he loves our actions is another thing entirely.

    Personally I treat gay people as I do all others.

  • cofty

    I believe God loves us all. Whether or not he loves our actions is another thing entirely.

    Here we collide with the difference between god-centred morality and common-sense morality. God says all sorts of things are a "sin" for reasons known only to him/her. Take god out the picture and we are left with no concerns other than whether an action promotes or hinders human flourishing or well being. Concerns about sexual behaviour between consenting adults is an anachronism like racism

  • erbie

    Here we collide with the difference between god-centred morality and common-sense morality.

    You are suggesting I have no common sense. Shame.

    I am happy to let you have your beliefs but it's not me you need to convince.

    Good luck.

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