My parents are still witnesses, I read COC, ISOCF and ConceptOC, then decided not to attend meetings.
I told them everything I knew about what was written and this pushed them away from me and further into the "truth", we still talk like a normal family but when a topic merges that I speak about jw's I get shunned, they don't comment. I didn't understand why they continued to believe after I mentioned gb voting system, UN, and others, I also mentioned about Ray Franz and what the bible really says, dad asked me why not I just join his (Ray's) religion since I know so much.
I knew about Hassans books but didn't see them necessary at the time, but I didn't understand why they are acting this way.
I just finished Releasing The Bonds, now I understand why they acted the way they did and why they didn't listen, my only regret was not reading this and Combating Cult Mind Control earlier.
So we were all brought up in the truth, all my family members are in the truth, during the years they were taught not to think anything negative about the religion - That's how you loose part of your critical thinking skills (remenber how the brothers kept remind of how happy we all are.)
Prayer was another issue, mum prayed allot after she heard me speak about things against the WB&TS - prayers done systematically can block what is considered negativity by the person doing the prayer
I said things that for them seemed that I wanted them to change to another religion when in fact it's general Christianity. - I should have been more careful and shown 'd my motives to be out of true love-true love overcomes conditional love.
There are others, but if I opted for SIA's approach when my parents were not aware of my understandings about the WB&TS, things could be different now. I understand the situation and myself a lot more know.
I see many ex-witnesses making the same mistake as I.
So now I am stuck.