Understood Sweney, but the three things you mention are up for debate. You believe one thing, and the Witnesses can prove theirs also with the scriptures. In regards to the 10% tithing, it would not be open for debate in my eyes.
I don't have the scripture in front of me but even if Jesus said, "You, my followers, shall never allow tithing in the Christian congregation," the Watchtower leadership could find a way to weasel around it if they wanted to.
"In Bible times and in some churches of modern-day Christendom, tithing implies a compulsory 10% contribution to the temple or church. Jesus spoke harshly against such tithing requirements. Today, true Christians do not give contributions "under compulsion" but willingly, "for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) With this in mind, the "faithful and discreet slave" (Matt. 24:45) has lovingly arranged for the provision of automatic bank drafts, whereby faithful Christians can donate to the worldwide work on a regular monthly basis. This provision will make it convenient for those who are "ready to share" (1 Tim. 6:18) to do so routinely in an orderly way. (Phil. 3:16) Please note that due to the administrative bank charges associated with receiving funds via automatic bank draft, we will not be able to accept donations under $100.00." ~The Watchtower, some time in the not too distant future