So we are looking after this stray we found called ''Dog''.... She is ok seems to have settled down and made herself at home. Lol
So this morning we jump in the car to take Carrot to work and we put Dog in the kitchen so she doesn't eat all my furniture. I get back to my next door neighbour beckoning her evil finger at me. I sigh and get out the car as I know this is going to be about Dog... I say as I get out if this is about the dog, she is a stray and will be rehomed today... She starts having a go at me saying ''The dog hasn't stopped barking for the last hour and a half (I had been gone 40 minutes lol) and how dare we have a dog''.... I look at her in utter disbelief and say ''it's got nothing to do with you whether we have a dog or not'''.... She says ''yes it has as it's disturbing me. Why do you want two dogs?''.... By this point as she had been saying other things I flip, and by flip I turned into the hulk and allowed the past four years of frustration towards this woman erupt... I say ''nellie died nearly ten weeks ago so don't you dare bring her up and you have made me really angry''.... She carries on mouthing at me and I mouth back and she says she is reporting us! I say ''go on report us'' and walk in the house and slam the door... God only knows what the neighbours think. Ha what do I care!
I am still shaking with anger, I got in the housse and was in floods of tears! The crazy woman is soo obsessed with imaginary noises she didn't even notice the died had died! Perhaps Nellies ghost had come back and was barking down her ears!
I phoned the estate agents and explained what had happened and the girl I spoke to was lovely and could tell I was still very upset over Nellie. She said ''you can have as many dogs as you want, it's not up to her''... She said we won't be evicted no matter what storys the crazy lady comes up with!
Goood Lord I am still soo mad I am still shaking.... I do apologise if this post makes no sense whatsoever.
Peace I really need some.....