I love that! I say they are ruining the Earth and putting everybody in spiritual danger and you say "how are the grad kids". Circular, I know about that! It means opposites are existing right next to each other. You don't understand, that's OK.
55-reasons-apostate-jehovahs-witnesses-will-never return to The Organization.
by koolaid-man 14 Replies latest jw friends
issacaustin asked: Has anyone ever known a JW who fully woke up and realized the org was not God's channel who then 'repented' and returned to the organization? I am not talking about someone who left the org because they were angry over a point but still believed the org was God's channel, or who returned for family. Anyone?
If memory serves, didn't 'Reniaa' claim that she had been a lapsed Dub but then announced that she was "going back" after posting her drivel on here for months on end? Then again, she was a total whack-job so she's probably not a good example.
Nope. I don't know of anyone who realized it was a cult and then returned to the vomit actually believing it was "the Truth". Gumby went back for his family, but he hates going and listening to their crap. One day, I think he's going to snap and tell them all to piss off..........
LOL Mary, I do not know what we would class Reniaa as, but whack-job would be accurate.
@Designs, awesome. Kids are great. Enjoy every minute- it goes so fast!
Very appropriate to read this topic this morning ...
I went into my attic yesterday to look for my Thanksgiving decorations and came across a box with books, I stopped here and found my unread copy of " The art of war" of Sun Tzu ... which according to the preface: "... compiled well over two thousand years ago by a mysterious Chinese warrior-philosopher, is still perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategyin the world today ..." I started reading it yesterday and continued today and I couldn't help of finding similarities with the Watchtower Corporation and the emphasis they put on the "organization" and to control people ... on the other hand when I read the bible I don't find similarities with "the WT organization" as I read the context or the whole book at a time I say this because I was reading the Book of Isaiah this weekend also, book out of which Rutherford got the name of Jehovah's Witnesses, that book is all about Israel and Jesus ... not any USA "organization" craftedly incorporated to profit from people.