Do you believe in hell? Why or Why not?

by grewupjw1969 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    No. Relatively speaking that is hardly hell, but a good joke unshakled. I am reading a book called Girls Like Us by Rachel LLoyd (2011). It is about girls who are used for sex. It describes what pimps have done to some of those girls. One girl was tatooed all over with the pimp's name. In case some one wants to jump in to blame god again, read the book first.

    FYI I am calling them the politically incorrect "girls" because that is actually what they were. Trafficked as young as twelve years old.

  • xchange

    No. Reason? No evidence exists. Not even ancedotes.

  • cofty

    Hell is so blatantly a method for religious leaders to control and exploit the ignorant and superstitious.

    The fact that the idea still survives in the 21st century is very depressing.

  • botchtowersociety

    Hell is where people get preached to by pushy atheists with Tourette's for all eternity.

  • NewChapter

    Absolutely not. Don't worry yourself over it. It doesn't even make logical sense, no matter what your belief system. I don't believe this god exists, but if he did, I'd find it hard to believe that he can't lift one finger to help a starving child, but could expend eternal energy tormenting that same starved child for not learning about him. Just makes no sense.


  • N.drew

    A good illustration the part about no energy spent to help but an eternity's worth to make it worse. But the rest, come on! "For not learning about him"? Any one teaching that as truth is a zombie. Hell (if it exists) is for bad people. The kind of people who make other people suffer (on purpose).

  • jwfacts

    There are many definitions of hell depending on what religion a person has been influenced by. Certainly the Christian concept of infinite and ongoing torture for something that a person born with inherited sin did over a finite period of time is truly the product of sick minds. How anyone believes such things in this day and age is beyond me.

  • sabastious

    There would be no reason to torture a soul forever. It would have to have an ending point with a clear goal in mind.


  • finallysomepride

    no & yes

    firey hell no, does not make sense

    yes this is hell, we are living it now, good or bad

  • sabastious
    How anyone believes such things in this day and age is beyond me.

    Believing in something blatantly unreasonable is beast-like. That's why it happens because they are acting like the animal kingdom. Dog eat dog.


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