Welcome to the board.
by logical1 14 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board.
I then encouraged them to Google it and see for themseleves...
They will NOT look it up.
They are AFRAID of what they might find.
Out of sight. Out of mind.
OK. MAYBE one of them (a younger person who understands Google) will get curious enough.......maybe. You can only plant and water the seeds.....
Welcome to the forum logical1, and thank you for sharing your experience with JWs and for serving honorably in the military.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
In addition to what you said, I might have mentioned that the Watchtower Organization is constantly exposing the pagan origins of other religions and their beliefs. I might have asked them why isn't it important to them to know that the founder of thier own organization was involved in practices that are based in pagan beliefs yet calimed to be directed by God?
I appreciate the input on what else to say, I want more ammo for if they come back. They don't seem to be afraid of me because I was "stumbled" away, which apparently doesn't make me an apostate.
This board is a very valuable resource as I can pool together the experience of many retired elders, etc, to get my point accross and use their own tricks against them.