I need your guys help.
Some of you might know some of my past from other posts...but new life changes have happened to me.
I have recently joined the United States Navy. I was orginally going in as a Nuclear Engineer...I have instead opted for a much less boring life in the Advanced Electronics Computer Field (AECF) rate. My father's side of the family (who has been out for 20+ years) are very excited and proud of me for my decision. My mother's side (who are all witnesses less one great grandmother who whole heartedly supports me) is not. My mother and I were talking a few weeks ago and she kept nagging me about a career so I finally told her I talked to a recruiter for the Navy, not telling her I joined.
She beyond flipped out. She hung up on me and sent me a series of text messages to my phone stating that she has to sacrifice me to the god of war and that the second I join (if I join) that I would be murdering people or directly involved with murdering people. She says she has always told me that she will choose god over her only son. She then precedes write on facebook that she wishes she never gave birth to me. Infront of friends and family both. I basically left a comment on her post saying how dare you do that. That is something a mother should NEVER do to her child. No matter what. I took a screen shot of it for my records and then unfriended her. According to sources, she promptly deleted my comment.
I know she is having some scary health problems right now, and I didn't want to talk to her about this at this time brought regardless it's now been brought up. I have refused to talk to her until an apology from her is given. However, I need to tell her that I did indeed join and am leaving June 6th, 2012, maybe even earlier. How should I go about telling her? When? How can I reason with her? I used to be a Pioneer for years and a Ministerial Servant and yet for some reason I can't remember what JW's "reasons" were against the military. If you fine folk have any suggestions and info on the JW/military topic please help me out!