Blood Issue and Hypocrisy

by teenyuck 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    I have told a couple of people on the board, thru E-mail, who I am, who my mother and family are. I hope what I am about to post will not get my mother in trouble.

    My mother met a man about 24 years ago. He is worldly. He was prominent in his field of work. He was single-never married. My mother is an interior designer. He needed someone to go to charity events and she needed to drum up business so the charity events, with many wealthy people seemed like a great idea. They dated for about 6 years. I am sure that they never "fornicated." My mother told me EVERYTHING that happened on each date....TMI (Too Much Information for a 13 year old)

    Anyway, over the years, this man was very generous to my mother. Gifts etc. He gave me his old car when I was 17. It was a 1965 Barracuda. Perfect condition. It had about 2500 original miles on it. He rarely drove. He lived across the street from a museum he worked at. He was the director of a museum for birds. The museum is on the Lake Michigan shore, attached to Lincoln Park Zoo. Anyone who has been to Chicago probably heard of Lincoln Park Zoo. Major zoo in the heart of downtown Chicago.

    My mother lost touch with him for a while. She got in touch with him in the early 90's. He was about 80 at that point. My mother just turned 63.

    He was sickly and old! He was retired and basically never left his high rise condo. The condo is on the lake shore and prime real estate. This is important later.

    When my mother saw how he was living, she found a Polish nurse to come in and take care of him. My mother speaks fluent Polish and her friend does not. The nurse stayed with him during the day.

    About 1 1/2 years ago, the nurse was late and the old man wanted to go outside and walk. He ended up tripping and breaking his neck! He lived...he some how walked down stairs and asked the door man to call him a cab...he knew something was wrong but not sure. He took a cab to the hospital and they discovered be broke his neck.

    At this point the docs said he needed round the clock care. My mother and he made a deal. He would move in with her and he would sign his condo over to her. (The condo, in its terrible original 1963 condition, was worth about 250K; he paid 35,000 in 1963)

    My mother agreed. He has pension and social security that cover the cost of food and nursing. Another nurse was found and he has round the clock care. This arrangement is costing my mother nothing.

    Now the blood problem. He became ill about 1 month ago. The nurse was plying him with food. He ate everything. Apparently, when someone is that old and frail it is odd to eat so much and does some crazy things to their system. He was jaundiced and could not defecate for three weeks. (again TMI)

    My mother finally took him to the doctor last week. They admitted him to the hospital. They gave him two pints of blood. The doc said he needed it because his platelets were so low.

    I spoke to my mother and asked how she reconciled her conscience with giving him blood...she said since she is not his legal guardian and does not have power of attorney, the doctors made the decision, so it did not bother her at all.

    I have told my mother that I want a blood transfusion in case of an emergency. She disagrees, however, since my husband has first say, I told her she cannot fight it.

    I am disgusted. As children she made it clear that the blood issue was critical to her beliefs. Now, with the signing of a deed and her dear friend being "worldly" she has no qualms about allowing blood.

    I have bitten my tounge many times about this arrangement. My mother has been given an incredible piece of property. She renovated it and spent about 75k to do it. It had lead paint and asbestos was found in the walls. Had to strip out everything and start fresh. She is still ahead of the game, however, so to speak. Over the years, she had many clients for her design business; all due to her connection with this man.

    I just cannot get over how she blithly approves blood for someone who is worldly. I am proud of her helping him, however, she is doing it for a price. She would not have done this if he were poor and had no pension. She admitted this to me.

    Sorry for the length....after reading AlanF's post, I just had to get this off my chest.

  • gumby

    "the doctors made the decision, so it did not bother her at all."

    Of course it didn't bother her! Everytime the dubs aren't bothered by something that is contrary to the society's beliefs proves they aren't in agreement with that particular belief in the first place.

    Suppose the society changed their policy on how to view those who leave the org. Suppose they said you can now treat these ones as a worldly person. Don't you think all dubs would jump for joy as they could now see relatives and friends who are df'ed?
    Yes they would! Why? because they don't swallow the shunning thing in the first place in the way the society sees it.

  • flower

    WOW! I don't want to say anything bad about your mom but geez that is so sick. Let me see if i understand....The sanctity of blood means nothing to her. She only follows that rule because the society says she has to not because she wants to please Jehovah and follow his commands. The society cannot come after her or give her any flack with this guy because he is just a worldy person. If it was you her own daughter she would put up a fight so that she doesnt look bad or get any flack from the congregation. That is just appalling.

    But I bet there are millions of other dubs who feel the same way. I just dont understand it. If they stepped back and looked at it they still cant see that they would be letting their child die for the 'organization' if they refused them blood not for jehovah? i mean this proves that its not about jehovah anyway. she admits that it doesnt bother her if there are no repercussions from the organizatin. she isnt worried about repercussions from jehovah. where in the bible does she see jehovah say only blood of witnesses is sacred?

    i just dont get this.


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Yours is an odd post - I understand that you are troubled by your mothers apparent hypocrisy, but no where do you mention that this man is a Jehovah's Witness. Do you think that the irrational beliefs of some Jehovah's Witnesses should be brought to bear upon their non JW friends? I have seen a number of situations where JWs tried to refuse blood for their non-JW family members but what you suggest is very peculiar.

    Why would you think that your mother is reponsible for the doctors giving this non JW man a transfusion of blood or platelets? Your mother seems to have passed on these strange views since she told you that your husband has first say regarding whether or not you would have a blood transfusion = utterly bizzare thinking. The whole point that we have worked to stress is informed, autonomous decision making in health care matters.

    Not to put to fine a point on it, you and your mother need to stay out of this man's choices regarding health care unless he is a Jehovah's Witness and has signed an advance directive regarding the refusal of blood products that names one of you to act in his behalf. By the same token, it is no ones business but yours as to whether or not you want to receive blood products. If you have JW family members who will not respect your wishes, you need to do the following:

    1. Have a discussion regarding your views with your personal physician and place a letter in your medical file.

    2. Appoint some non-JW family member or friend with a health care power of attorney/advance directive/health care proxy that expresses your wishes.

    3. For added insurance, place some written directives in your purse or wallet that will alert medical personnel to the fact that you have JW relatives who may be anxious to impose their irrational views of blood upon you in an emergency if you are unconscious and direct them to the individual you've named in #2.

    Make peace with your mother and shed the JW baggage.

    Best regards,


  • Gopher

    I was about to jump in -- but Lee Elder said it very well.

    It would have been hypocrisy for your mother to FORCE this man to abide by her personal religious views about blood. I think she did the reasonable thing, which is to allow him to have the medical care he would have desired including transfusion therapy.

    Fortunately, your mother is not in a position to impose her JW beliefs on you.

    She has her life, you have yours. It doesn't sound at all bad to me.

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • plmkrzy

    I could be wrong and I hope this isn't taken wrong at all. I'm trying to put my JW thinking cap on its been awhile. Could it be that this man has been basicly a source of 'monitary' support, a security blanket in much the same way as a (don't laugh) 401K plan. She has no real personal or emotional interest in him any more then any of us would have with an investment or a employer or a neighbor etc. It isnt like she's planning on living the rest of her life with him and she probably doesn't expect to see him later in the 'New System' and he's to old to try and push her belief's down his neck. It wouldn't be to her advantage to get all worked up over this guy emotionally. On the other hand, You are her daughter and depending on exactly how she does feel about the blood issue, maybe that is something that still terrifys her. She has an emotional bond to you that would never exist with that guy. Would it have done any good if she tried to make his doctors not give him blood?
    I'm trying to look at this if it were me in your situation. IMO your mom is still verymuch afraid of accepting blood and is therefore afraid for you.
    Hope I express that well enough. I am not trying to call your mom a gold digger or anything like that at all. From how you explained it she's not doing anything imoral. It's not like shes sleeping with him for $$$ and she will probably leave it to you anyway.? plm

  • plmkrzy

    I just posted my reply and then came back and read youe Lee,
    You put bluntly but very well done. I was to afraid of sounding offensive. plm

  • teenyuck

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the comments and ideas.

    With myself, I am not worried. I live far enough away that if I were in an accident or needed blood, my husband is here to support my decision.

    With my mother's friend....I guess I thought that she would feel...something about him receiving blood.

    She did not seem to feel that it was bad in any way at all. It seems hypocritical to me that on one hand you would deny a blood transfusion to your family or yourself and on the other hand, a dear friend who is worldly can get one under your care and not bat an eyelash.

    Did that make sense?

    I honestly do feel that she is a gold digger, plmkrzy. Over the years she has dated so many worldly men...but only if they had money. That is a whole separate thread, I will have talk about someday. It is hard to reconcile being raised as a JW and having a mother who is a flag waving JW, turn around and go for every materialistic thing she can.

    I know she cannot impose her medical/religious beliefs on him, yet, to me she sounded so dispassionate about it. She never said "I wish he would'nt take blood" or anything like that-she never expressed the believe that she was worried about his soul and what would happen to him with God. Does that make sense?

    He has known about her beliefs for years and that is one of the reasons they never "did it." He actually did respect her and tried to be good to her. I guess I was looking for her to at least worry about his "soul." Not that we have one-

  • Solace

    Im here.
    I guess you are not suprised, as I hit every discussion on this topic. I think the witnesses believe that if you are not a witness, you are unaware of its knowledge, as a result, you will be excused by Jehovah if you accept blood, since you didnt know it was wrong.
    My family tells me constantly, that I know better, so I am going to be bloodguilty for not getting my family in the "truth" and I am responsible for them being killed in armageddon.
    Oh well, I guess its to bad Im just worldly, instead of ignorant and worldly.
    The whole thing is totally bizarre, scare the hell out of people, mind control crapp.

  • teenyuck

    Heaven, I did not think of that...that is a good point.

    As Lee Elder noted, I do need to make peace with her and shed the baggage. As you all know that is easier said than done.

    flower, I was not ignoring you. I am thinking what you wrote. I had to tell the story so it made sense. I agree it is crazy.

    I keep hoping I can make her see the light. I did send her an article I found on Nicalous site...the one about molestation and all about She was molested, so I was hoping to introduce some info she may be unaware of.

    I was on the phone with her this morning. I posted my blood issue and within minutes the phone rang. It was weird. She does not know about this site and would not come here...apostates and all.

    I do appreciate the insights and thoughts. While it does give me more to think about, at least I finally got part of my story out in the open. It really does feel liberating to write this stuff.

    Thanks again.

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