I agree that it happens in all walks of live. Not just JW's. However JW's are the ones who brag about their superior morals and family arrangement. Was there any other news about the family. Was she baptized, both parents in, other family?
Attorney: 'Fear Of Jehovah Witness Family Drove Mom To Drown Baby' -- (CBS)
by Spittn4Cash 11 Replies latest social current
Exactly ... happens in every circle, rich and poor families, all religions BUT again "JW's are the ones who brag about their superior morals and family arrangement" ... I have been in congregations were single girls got pregnant, then they "repented" and were reinstated and welcomed by the congregation ... my mom loves to point out that they got DF'd not like others "christians" that don't shun people like JWs. Hello! The fact is that they GOT PREGNANT WHILE BEING JWs IN GOOD STANDING ... same with all the ADULTERERS< DRUNKARDS<FORNICATORS<THIEVES< they did all these things WHILE BEING JWs IN GOOD STANDING ... I don't care what they do after the fact, what it stands is that they committed a "sin" while being a JW in good standing .. or at least pretending to be one ...