cmon guys this internet creature got 8 pages of attention. Do we need to feed it's ego any further?
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences
Poopsiecakes, you're back with your great smileys! Wonderful!
MANKELI: I see your point and I have deep condolences for any ex-JW who has lost family because of the JW religion. However, the spectre of sitting there and faking it for the rest of one's life is not an appealing idea. I am glad I am single because the loss is negligible. I have no desire to "bring the religion down". I just want to get on with my life. It isn't just about "freedom". Once I found out the dirt in the year 2000, I could not, in good conscience, go around preaching and telling people the religion was truth. How could I?
I'm a gonna hafta go back and read some of Mankkeli's past threads/posts... See if he/she is as nuts [generally] as he/she sounds...
Waiting on the next NRFG post......
Gotta give it to that guy, he is one helluva writer. Watchtower writers could take his last couple posts and drop them in next months edition..
Well well well....
If any of his past posts/threads can be believed.... This guy's a guy - still in - who is still giving PUBLIC TALKS at the kingdom hall...
Here's one of his first threads....
And if this is fer real - it's a JW with a penis - they don't allow sisters to give talks - and in THIS thread, he yammers about having to "deliver the poison"...
Sounds like someone's had a change of heart...
Or got caught on an apostate website... And is being threatened with disfellowshipment...
Or is trying to plump up his "witnessing" hours for the end of the year, by yammering at us...
He's started more threads in 3 months than I have in two years!!! I'll have to get cracking!! I, too, can post as much blather as a mentally confused, male Jehovah's Witness zombie who's still drinking the Koolaide...
Joey Jo-Jo
mankkeli wrote: The fact still remains, many of you are better off remainning than leaving, just think about it. leaving doesnt bring any assurance to you, does it?, it rather send you back to the miseries of life without weapon to cope against the war waged by life's adversities.
First I am very happy that i have left because I am no longer part of babylon the great, second I am happy that I left because I longer worry about the blood doctrine or have to shun people, and I am free from conditional love and standards impossible to comply by. I am very happy the way I am now, I dont smoke, live a healthy life style and all the depression, fear, guilt and the strong sense of judgement I had as a witnesse has gone away. Also I have the freedom to research on whatever religion I wish, thats something you are not encouraged to do as a witnesse.
And you speak of leaving like people decided to leave like they had a choice, a lot are kicked out for speaking whats in their conscience.
Threads like these never make any sense whatsoever.
But to answer the original question, my life is 100,000,000 times better. Being a jw was worse than being the walking dead.
Jehovah sucks, jehovah cleans my toilets, jehovah is a mexican whore. The boogie man no longer exists.
JWfacts - Have you thought about the abundant benefit the social setting in the JW organization offers,
You really are out of touch with reality..
The WBT$ Frowns on JW gatherings that are not WBT$ approved..
Large gatherings are espcially a No-No..the WBT$ doesn`t think JW`s can be trusted..
Your Clueless..
JWfacts - Have you thought about the abundant benefit the social setting in the JW organization offers, doesn it worth pushing all doubts to the background and carrying on?.
There is a huge issue with illness and depression amongst JWs, so the benefit of the social setting is not really that great. My mother was a CO(wife) until recently, and constantly was recommending JWs go to the doctor requesting antidepressants. She felt if I went to get antidepressants it would have helped with my questions about the organization and I might still be a JW.
There are many religions that offer equally beneficial social settings without being high control, and hence damaging.
Franz lamented that many left the Watchtower and Christianity at the same time. JWs have the highest turnover of any religion (see PEW report) and in the process suffer personal and spiritual damage. His point was that it would be far more beneficial if they had never been JWs and had been part of regular Christianity, as they are less likely to have their faith destroyed.
That is why your idea that JWs should not leave is flawed. It means that the issues will be perpetuated for ongoing generations. At some point, JWs need to make the break, despite the costs to their family, so this tragedy does not continue for generation after generation.