I think we heard you the first time, Quarterback, lol.
Russian court finds Jehovah's Witness guilty of inciting hatred. 3.11.2011
by Hairyhegoat 38 Replies latest social current
Well it's good to see this thread has normalised, technically speaking. That sure was some weird shit going down.
Broken Promises
Don't worry, the new JWN site is just around the corner. Any day now. It's so close you can smell it.
The European court has overturned many of the decisions made by the Russian courts regarding JWs. The watchtower does have a way of presenting themselves as the victim at some point they need to take responsibility for what they print and the consequences.
Wait, didn't the WT recently praise one of the Russian courts in its "Shun the Mentally Diseased Apostates" issue for ruling that they DON'T break up families?
If so, um... whoops. Is it too late to print a retraction?
LOL....I'm so afraid to post again.
Wait until Russia hears about the Watchtower caling ex-Jehovah's Witnesses "Mentally Diseased" ! That should be another court case!
There really is no middle class, and of course there is the Othodox Church, which is so corrupt, but that is no surprise...- quarterback
I don't understand