Would you crucify Jesus?
by Qcmbr 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you had to take part in the divine plan and you physically had to crucify the son of God - would you do it?
- There is no one else who will do it - if it is to happen you must put the nails in and pull up the cross.
- Without this act no one can be atoned for - satan wins
- Your own punishment / reward for killing Jesus is uncertain (just as Adam gets derided and eternally damned - in some beliefs -for making our lives possible)
- It must be cruxifiction to fulfill prophecy - you are not allowed to use quicker more humane ways to end his life.
White Dove
No. I like Mexicans
While I normally allow my unpopular threads to die as the popular consensus demands I just wanted to try a little thread CPR and see whether this has any takers. This internal question used to bug me during some meetings as I couldn't decide which way I'd go..
My threads are usually impotent as well, i understand. Id like to think it is cuz I usually only go online when im bored and drinking. N E ways. Despite my deceased care for religion I still really dig Jesus and his ideas. I believe that Jesus never intended his movement to turn into the shit-storm that is now. I like to think that if Jesus knew that people like Pat Robertson or George Dubya were using his name to mind fuck millions he might have stuck to making tables and chairs.
Despite all that, .....what was your question again? Oh yeah! Hell no! I would never crucify anyone. That would be so un-christian.
Yeah - its odd now that it seems a clearer choice. I wouldn't. Even if it meant the failure of Gods plan. I wouldn't want to kill anyone to pay off a debt. Sure I'd kill if it was self defence , I just wouldn't do it for a preconceived plan. One is pre-meditated murder and the other is a tragic but necessary response to immediate life- threatening danger.
Just wanted to recognise that my current stance is not logical nor rational! How annoying.
ya i agree
Is Jah really sacrificing his son for mankind, when he isnt really dying?
Band on the Run
I always felt Judas had a bum rap and that Jesus would never blame him. If all was to fulfill prophecy, the characters were merely predestined actors playing a role. There could be no risen Christ without the crucifixion. The West would not adore suffering. The cross is absolutely essential. Otherwise, Jesus is only a do-gooder. His sayings were not unique. Judas, the high priests, and Pilate had no choice.
I read a thick book on Judas through the ages. He was viewed as the only Jew in Jesus' camp. They were all practicing Jews.
Judas, the high priests, and Pilate had no choice.
Just because God knew what they would do (based on their choices, their heart, their deeds, whatever)... does not mean that He made them do it.