Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2

by mankkeli 283 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mankkeli

    In the previous thread of this series, I called lurker ’s attention to the need of being discreet when contemplating an exit from the JW religion. I mentioned that the thread was borne as a result of the general observations I made reading old posts here and discussing with many ex-jws and their lives have gradually turned out. That thread alone was visited more than 2,980 times and graced with 204 contributions. The majority of those who commented related many beautiful ways their lives have turned out after leaving but they refused to mention how rough and tough the journey to that destination was., Here in Northern Europe, we have received reports of many ex-Jws who terminated their lives because of the difficulty of coping in the outside world., these reports are becoming numerous lately and I wouldnt want anyone to walk down that hideous path because of an aggresive need for ”freedom”. I repeat again, of what value is that freedom if it comes along with loneliness, depression, sleepness night and many horrible circumstances?. Please tell me what is the big deal about that freedom?. You may think there is light at the end of the tunnel, but you may not even survive the journey to see that light.

    Unfortunately for most of these victims, their therapist had little or no knowledge about what really goes in the JW religion, so the assistance they offered didnt prove very helpful, they were completely handicapped in helping the matter, they couldnt comprehend what such terms as armaggedon, inactive publishers and many more mean, so their help was not so practical.

    It seemed I was under attack from the majority of those who commented on the thread but the reality was different. while the discussion goes on, I received seven PMs. Six of those members who sent them mentioned that I had brought some balance to discussions on JWN, they conveyed wholehearted appreciation for my insight but only one member lashed out on me as bringing chaos to the discussion board.Whatever view any individual may claim to present, the reality is that leaving the organization is not a suggestion that should be offered to anyone who has become dissapointed or disillusioned one way or the other.

    Even the apostate magnate, Raymond Franz didnt leave the religion when He was displaced from Brooklyn. He quietly moved to Alabama and still continue to associate there, He fought tooth and nail to save himself from the deluge but the scheme to oust him was being planned from the top. Did Ray disassociate himself?, Was He pleased with the way the judicial committe handled his matter?, No. He wasnt, He wanted to hang on by all means. So, If this guru fought this hurdle why should you think you can simply enter the battle?. Cynthia his wife did not disassociate herself, she is still regarded as inactive on the service committee's publisher record card.

    Ask yourself, What kind of Life do reknowned atheist like Richard dawkins led?, read up on his personal life on wikipedia, He couldnt even keep a marriage responsibly.What about Stephen Hassan ?(The messiah for ex-JWs), how is his personal life, have you researched it?. Were they examplary figures to follow?, does it really worth throwing away what you currently have, you should know where you will be heading if you read their books and view them as some kind of legend. Please, dont make rash decisions, examine the destination of the journey before you embark on it?.

    I will be back with Part 3 of this series

  • cantleave

    Yeah, you are so right, life in the borg is wonderful, no-one ever divorces, everyone is happy and only the mentally diseased leave.

  • shamus100

    It's nice to have a different perspective, mankell.

    JW's harp on "counting the cost". I tend to harp on being a man and standing up for what is right; not supporting something that you feel isn't based on reality. To live a life under a totalitarism belief system that, you feel, is complete bullshit makes that person a coward. If someone needs support to get out of these high control groups there is a way out and plenty of support for those people that wish to get it.

    The rewards are much greater than any pain that I went through, I can say without any reservation.

  • mankkeli

    cantleave - Thats not what I mean, lurkers must consider their step thoughtfully before taking it. We all know that the rate of divorce is way much higher outside than in the borg.

  • shamus100
  • mankkeli

    Shamus100 - We are all under some form of control at one point or the other in our lives, even here on JWN we have rules and regulations that must not be breached to keep normalcy, the reason is not to make discussions difficult for us but to put things in proper control

  • undercover

    Well, I can tell ya this much...

    Anyone lurking here obviously isn't happy with their position as a JW. Those that like being a JW and are happy in their spiritual paradise aren't going to go looking for skeletens in the closet. Those that do come here are having doubts or question a doctrine or policy.

    It is true that they have to weigh the costs of staying/leaving. But if someone comes to the realization that the WTS is not God's channel on earth, that pretty much takes care of the issue. Coming to the realization is the hard part.

  • undercover

    LOL... mankkeli said "borg".

    your freudian slip is showing

  • mankkeli

    undercover - If anyone come to that realization that the borg is not God's channel, they should be helped to see things differently rather than give them an hideous alternative.

  • yourmomma

    is this a new tactic the watchtower and its apologists are taking? "stay in, even if you dont believe it"


    your about as sane as J Canon.

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