Okay,my mother told me,boy did I have an experience today,meaning field service experience. And before you start the eye rolling,you got to read this one.
My mother and anther sister went on my mother's return visit. A young man opens the door and just leaves it open. There is a strong smell throughout the house. My mother has no clue what it is,asks the householder,what she is cooking that smells so good. The woman told her she wasn't cooking. Her son was in his room smoking a "special" kind of cigar. LOL.
The sister with my mother knew what it was right away and was trying not to inhale. They were there for 10 minutes. Of course,my mother later realized she was breathing in pot fumes.
The sister that was with her could barely drive. She was driving in the parking lane. They were out of it the rest of the day. I just found this to be hilarious. Witnesses getting high out in service inadvertently.