I am especially concentrating on the last 10 years. Thanks for your help.
Looking for your all time favorite WT quotes or articles for project
by zengalileo 12 Replies latest jw friends
No I don't have a favorite quote from the Watchtower, I'm just here on your post since you asked me to "stay off of your posts".
I believe only the moderators have the power to request that.
So basically, I'll just wait and see if you choose to single me out and show your intelligence again and make another disparaging remark towards me.
charlie brown jr.
Any Article about Oral Sex would Get My Blood Boiling!!!!!!!!
Guess who wasn't getting ANY!!!
I think I read everything written from the WTS about that subject...
Yet when asking an Elder about the subject you might get the Factory Made Responce..... The Elders don't Police the Bedroom....
I guess I got myself a stalker. Cool! I always wanted one of those.
Best articles.... hmm
My recent top 10 was hearing that the gov body now had medical degrees. They announced that everyone on this forum had a mental disease, a pathological condition requiring exhaustive tests to confirm.
What else.... oh..... I was amazed to read that the WT corp now believe the earth to be millions of years old and universe millions. I can't believe they did this turn around.
The latest brochure on evolution was interesting in that they admit there is evidence to evolution and even admit (...it was getting embarassing) that Neanderthals did in-fact exist... but in another turn for embarassment claim they were human... ouch even though we have DNA evidence that they were not...
I am in a rush but I hope this helps your project. What is your project by the way? Hope you were not lying as you will have just iven up your seat in the kingdom if you were!
wha happened?
I'll quote my wife's and my favorite. Regarding the strange article on dating in the 60's and cows. "Ovum at large"
W/May1, 1997
"Jehovah is the exposer of false messengers.
How does he do this? He frustrats their signs and predictions.
He shows they are self-appointed, whose messages spring
from their own false reasoning-yes, their foolish, fleshly thinking."
"No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family"
Awake, July 2009--Page29, Paragraph 28
Awake 1998, May 8.
"danger of listening to those who speculate about dates."
March 8, 1974 Awake article on rape is very informative.