CO Visits=encouragement?

by lifestooshort 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    I remember this CO from Quebec who had a thick french accent. He was hard to understand.

    His started out this way, " A young man had money, fame, and a good family. But he killed himself. Why did he do that? Because this man didn't have,' A Penis'" . Of course he meant to say 'Happiness', but what came accross was 'A Penis'. He kept going on and on about how hard 'A Penus' was to find. They younger males in the cong. just stood there silently with a grin on their faces.

    Because this man didn't have,' A Penis'" . Of course he meant to say 'Happiness',

    The French don`t pronounce H`s..They replaced it with Poutine..

    Frys,Gravy and Cheese..

    The French would rather die of a Heart Attack,than pronounce an H..

    A French heArt Attack..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • stillstuckcruz

    HA! A penis....that hilarious!

  • Balaamsass

    CO Visits = encouragement....perhaps 4xs in 50 years :). Four C.O.s were humble god fearing men with enough brains and MoJo to accomplish the job. The majority were demanding self asuming bragarts, demanding special "diets" after putting away greasy donuts at break. Some always were looking for a green handshake or new digs. The brothers who sent them and the wives to the mall with a gold card were soon on assembly parts or City servant. Rude to some poor frazzled Sisters with crying babies. Some older C.O.s go through the motions just enough to stay on and avoid serious problems in the circuit like abuse or rape. One C.O. somehow convinced a few sisters it OK with Jehovah for them to comfort him sexually !! LOL!!

    Most C.O.s can't remember the names of all the Elders in a circuit, let alone servants and publishers. All the Elders run around contacting the irregular and inactive the weeks before the visit to deflect attention from the Elder body, which in turn causes some of the creative witch hunts for "apostate" publishers. Actually the craziest, most apostate off the wall stuff I have ever heard comes from the Circuit overseers themselves. Smurfs, Costume parties, theme parties, 3s Company, Congregation picnics, Unisex Clothing, women with short hair, men with mustaches or long hair, colored shirts, Sport Coats on the platform,1973, 1974, 1975, 2001, 2012, 9/11, Bibles only in field service, Magazines only in field service, 4 door cars, brothers only in service with brothers, only appointing elders with 15 hrs a month,...straining out the gnats.... :)

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    It depended very much on the Circuit Overseers as individuals, as to the amount of encouragement they imparted.

    Speaking in general terms, though, the ones that tried to kick a$$^$ backsides were the ones that ultimately achieved the opposite of what they intended to accomplish:

    - i.e. for a few months the congregation's all-important average hours soared - then after that, crashed in a heap!


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I met one recently. He didn't exactly impress me as being one of the brightest monkeys in the zoo.

    Today, a Dub who has known him since he was a kid expressed much the same opinion.

  • AvocadoJake

    Take pity on the COs, because if any are caught thinking on their own, Woe to them! I visited my brother recently and after the CO's talk, I asked him about some comments made about history. How could I explain he was wrong, we I had nicely mentioned some historian who said the opposite, the CO said "Did the Faithful Slave write that book?" I replied "No." "Than I would not read it!, and it would be best for you not to trust it either." How scary, I thought, those in charge of a circuit, are afraid to think for themselves, thinking is what brings responsibility. Luke mentions in Acts about the "thinking Bereans," Jesus commends those in Revelation 2 for not listening to "False Apostles." The Apostle John admonished his readers to "Don't accept those who did not bring the teachings of Christ." Christianity is about thinking, reading and testing to see if you are in the 'Faith'. If we are told to blindly accept things without thinking, we are to blame. Perhaps my CO was the only one who refused to read outside material on apologetics, and he hated outside study groups with thinkers who were debating scholars online. This particular CO spent more time watching Reality TV and American Idol than researching what our friends needed. So back to your question, he did not bring encouragement but rambled about the "generation" with a confusing definition, the fifth one I have heard in five years. No Encouragement received but I did get to know what "Simone on American Idol liked and did not like." Has anyone heard of other elders complaining about the "Generation" and how they feel the WTS should cut their losses on this subject matter?

  • jookbeard

    I think there used to be a sense of excitement awaiting a new CO that had a reputation as a dynamic speaker etc, but the next visit that euphoria was usually forgotten and the burden of his visit was heightened to expect more of what your not doing enough of etc.

  • 3rdgen

    I have a sidepoint I can't resist sharing. #1 To No regrets and Clarity: I was at a Calif. convention about 1973 or 74 a couple I was studing with was getting baptized so of course

    I went to the pool to watch. Things proceded as usual UNTIL Larry Graham, his beautiful wife, her sister AND her mother entered the pool at the same time, stood in a circle, joined hands,

    raised their arms strait up above their heads , then lowered them slowly in unison, and finally formed a group hug then lowered themselves under the water. It was a specticle to be sure.

  • jookbeard

    and whats this obsession with dietary request all the time, I've worked with multi millionaires who are less fussy about food then this group of odd ball jumped up dicks.

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