I found it!

by N.drew 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    Shamus your helping get the funking abs I want.

  • watersprout

    EP that devil picture was horrid! I want pictures of pretty things! Pfffttttt!


  • N.drew

    Nobody likes a genius. I'm kidding! I haven't been tested. But if I had to bet, I'd say not quite. If everyone hates me this bad, well then I'm so glad I'm not smarter. Hehe.

    Who ever hates the Bible and/or hates the Lord can go now. Byebye

    It wasn't necessarily a tree, like we know trees. I don't know what it was. But I know it was present and I know it wasn't present to test early man. It is something that is present in association with intellligence and spiritual imagination. It probably is described as a "tree" because it has similar parts like a tree. Roots, a trunk type thing a ma jig, and branches. Everyone is concerned subconsciously with the branches (obviously). But the important thing to me is the roots, of course.

    I'm talking about what (now here's were the fight begins) eve did. Did you ever hear about Pandora? That was someone's attempt to explain what somebody did. Somehow, I don't know how, honest to God, someone called Eve did something with the tree that isn't a tree, probably, and now all our DNA is affected. Whatever she undid that somehow she was warned not to do it, but she did, has infected us. Ta Da! It's not enough. hAHAHA I know! I know!!

  • JAFO

    Nancy.. you really need to read the following books by Daniel Quinn.. seriously. You will not understand the true meaning of the story of the Garden of Eden and the Fall until you have. You can download them from these links:


    The Story of B

    My Ishmael

  • N.drew

    Please explain. Does he share Jesus' living water? I wonder how?

    I don't do things that say "this might harm you computer" Can I get them at the library?

  • JAFO

    Read them. it would take hours of back and forth to explain. Simpler for you to find out for yourself.


    N.drew "Do not open the paper, the alcohol is there for an emergency (when needed) Do I have to say tree of life?"

    I keep alcohol in a bottle for an emergency - those swaps make me thirsty.

    As for this Eve thing, she was bound to come unstuck cos her only friend was the devil.

  • N.drew

    oooooo I see! You might be right dear Glad! I hope not.

    But alcohol is a good illustration because "eve" was not mature. Never give alcohol to a baby. Even to calm it down.

    And Glad? You write well, but can you read?

    Who ever hates the Bible and/or hates the Lord can go now. Byebye

    Hates in the fashion of Jacob hates Leah. Not your fault! I'll let it pass.

  • JAFO
    I don't do things that say "this might harm you computer" Can I get them at the library?

    Yes, you can get them at a library.. but they are only PDF files, for crying out loud. Your computer is programmed to say that about anything you try to download. If you are worried about them, do a virus scan on them before you open them.

    You do have an anti-virus program on your computer, don't you? If not, you should get off the internet RIGHT NOW.


    N.drew Yeah but to hate the Lord I would have to believe in him first. So I pass the test.

    Your friends are trying to help me but I'm a slow learner - I eat too many swabs when my bottle runs dry!

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