I will give you dear CoCO, the results of a very long scientific study into the question you pose.
The study has been carried out over many decades by Professor Wobble, it is mainly based on personal experiences of his, but also involves some serious observation of fellow drunks, sorry humans.
Prof Wobble has found and observed that alcohol contained in different solutions certainly does have a different effect upon a person. Certain solutions, whilst containing more alcohol, have a smaller deleterious effect than ones with a lower alcoholic content.
The after-shock to the body, sometimes commonly referred to as a "hang-over" depends not solely on the quantity of alcohol consumed, but also and Prof Wobble believes mainly, upon the impurities in the liquid being consumed.
A cheap red wine with sulphates and other contaminants in it will produce a headache , whereas a beer brewed to German purity laws may not.
The conclusion that was unavoidable was that no matter who the subject was, if enough alcohol was consumed by any method, the subject would fall over.
This study has been carried out at HUGE expense, so I do hope it is of value to you.
Kindest regards,
a semi-sober Wobble