Hello - new

by freshstart 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • freshstart

    My parents and his parents are still hardcore Witnesses. We're not DF so they still talk to us, but honestly the relationship has changed. Especially from my parents, they always have this look and tone of pity when they're around us. My mom told me just the other day that she's worried about our son's life, which pissed me off royally! We have some extended family that are in as well, elders and such. They've basically ostracized us, even though there has never been an "official" reason to (DF, DA, etc). I go out of my way to tell them how much I love them and include them when I hand out family pictures and things like that, but I guess they think we're a bunch of heathens. Oh well, what a sad way to be.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Welcome Freshstart! This is a wonderful place to be.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Welcome!!! Well I hope in time your family lightens up!!! good for you and your husband too get out!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Welcome to the board!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Welcome FRESHSTART. It is fantastic that you are "breaking the chain" so to speak. If I can prevent the kids in my family from getting sucked in, I would consider that the greatest success of my life.

  • Ding


  • mouthy

    Welcome! I consider this is the GOOD NEWS!!!! that we were waiting to find...
    Your post made my day!!!

  • factfinder

    Welcome freshstart!

  • isojourn

    Welcome to the board!

  • Jewel

    Welcome and congrats to you and hubby for making it out together!

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