Has anyone here actually convinced someone out of the truth here?

by bottleofwater 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The Internet sites must have the greatest impact. If no one looks at them. Witnesses know a well-organized apostacy exists. The sites prove we are not just a bunch of disgruntled mental patients. No one has ever left b/c of my work. I tell mainstream Christians about the high control. JWs as merely quirky annoys me. People should know the intense control.

    I can't point to one thing that made me leave. It was an accumulation. Public school played a huge role. Basically, it was college or the Witnesses. I could not turn down college. College taught me a new way of thinking. My high school was a joke. The Beatles and the counter culture were huge. I ached to work for the Peace Corps. I was very interested in civil rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X vs. Brother Franz. John, Paul, George & Ringo - vs. Knorr. What a joke. My allegiance came from my heart. My parents could not impose it.

    I can't always cope with Witnesses. When I can, I believe strongly that it is important to clearly state my objections. The Bible should be the prime source of info, not a group in Bklyn. What proof is there the Witnesses are directed by God. I would say that a Christian should be a believer in Christ, not some angel. Urge them to read the Bible alone. Don't use Christian aids. The Bible is sufficient. YOu don't need advanced degrees to understand the Bible. It means what it says just as any document says what it believes.

  • Farkel

    :Has anyone here actually convinced someone out of the truth here?

    One cannot get out of something that never was. "The Truth(tm)" is a lie. If you are asking, "has anyone ever convinced someone to get out of the Watchtower lies and bondage, then I can say, "yes! I have!" Hundreds of them over a long period of time.

    This claim is based upon the zillions of PMs and emails and phone calls I have received since before the millennium began and since I started riding my white horse.

    Even if I only got ONE person out of the Watchtower Organization (which I have and many more), I can still honestly say, "yes, I have."

    Farkel, Modest CLASS

  • AvocadoJake

    James, what were the grievances you and the fifty in Ok. had with the Organization? Can you share or is it a sore subject, I am in the learning phase, still trying to figure out where I am in this life. The evil I have seen, fought against, just got brushed under the carpet. Many of us have been on a waiting list, decades long "waiting on Jehovah." to remove wicked men who serve as valuable assets to the Halls. Money, gifts, and skilled time of those in charge, are forgiven quick, while those 'other sheep' can be kicked out with ease! Your story might help shed more light to us on the side lines.

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