Wow! Where do I begin? Well, to be specific, the thing that turned the tide for me is found in Matthew chapter 25:
41 “Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘Be on YOUR way from me, YOU who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
42 For I became hungry, but YOU gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but YOU gave me nothing to drink.
43 I was a stranger, but YOU did not receive me hospitably; naked, but YOU did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but YOU did not look after me.’
44 Then they also will answer with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’
45 Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did not do it to one of these least ones, YOU did not do it to me.’
46 And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”
I grew up in the evil empire (i.e. "The 'Truth'"). We were taught that "one of these least ones" are Jesus' earthly, spirit-annointed brothers (i.e. the remnent of the 144,000). I also grew up with a father who professed to be of the annointed.
For the last 20 years I was in the evil empire I watched my father being persecuted for professing to be of the annointed. He was even DFed for a year because of it. He even told me that others who professed to be of the annointed experienced the same and that there are Circuit Overseers who make it a hobby going around persecuting such ones.
I'm a very logical person, which does not work well in any religion. I looked at this logically. Well, logically, if Elders and C.O.'s are supposedly agents of the Governing Body, and the Governing Body is supposedly the Faithful and Discreet Slave, then the FDS is persecuting Christ's brothers. I hope everyone sees where I am going with this.