Thanks for the information.
Victoria, Australia: Results of November 8th Steven Unthank's Court Hearing
by AndersonsInfo 47 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Mr. Unthank has lost a lot of things, his home, his family, friends and his Father, all while dodging threats against him, yet he still presses on. He is a true Soldier, and I salute him for his valor and strength in doing everything he can to bring the Watchtower's misdeeds to light. Thanks to Mr. Unthank and others like him, many Children will benefit and will have a much better chance of being raised without the threat of abuse within the Watchtower Organization.
My thoughts are with all who help in the good fight for what is right, and this includes the messengers who keep us updated in the progress that these Soldiers are making.
Thank you to Band on the Run and smiddy on JWN for inspiring me to write the following letter to the editors of the following Austrialian newspapers:
Herald Sun - Melborne at
Courier Mail – Brisbane at
The Sydney Morning Herald at
The Age Melborne at
Adelaide The Advertiser and The Sunday Mail at
Thank you to AK - Jeff and Broken Promises on JWN and Aida, Hotelkalifornia, strypes, DJ, and Jeffro on JWSF for your comments and encouragement.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Dear Editor:
South Australia's chief prosecutor Stephen Pallaras, Attorney-General John Rau, Senator for South Australia Nick Xenophon, Senator for Queensland Sue Boyce, and others agree that urgent action is required to deal with immense emotional, psychological and financial harm suffered by hundreds of thousands of Australians by the actions of some cult groups. So, why has the Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria not taken over prosecution from Steven Unthank, a carpenter, of five criminal cases (i.e., Steven Unthank verses the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and its leaders)? Shouldn't a religion embrace supporting child-protection laws instead of defying them? Wouldn't a barrister be better at prosecuting the Watchtower than a carpenter?
My experiences with members of the Watchtower began by feeling that Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) are friendly, well groomed, and knowledgeable about the Bible, and changed into believing that the Watchtower is a dangerous cult. I attended bible studies and meetings at Kingdom Halls and read Watchtower literature. Knowledge is power, so I did independent research and critical thinking prevented me from becoming a JW. I visited , , , and to learn more about the Watchtower and its history. I communicated freely with current and former JWs about the Watchtower by visiting , , , and . I affirmed by suspicions about why some JWs behave strangely by reading Steve Hassan’s books and visiting his website to learn more about why the Watchtower can be classified as a dangerous cult using Hassan's Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional (BITE) control model.
The following example demonstrates how much control the Watchtower has over JWs and their children. JWs believe that they must blindly follow the Watchtower Governing Body even if that Body directs JWs to refuse whole-blood transfusions that might save their lives (or their child's life) and to shun a JW, who elects to receive a whole-blood transfusion to save their life (or their child's life). The Watchtower even encourages JWs to shun their family members.Sincerely,
Robert (please publish first name only)
Thank you for your inspiration! I appreciate you giving us the handy/easy email addresses available. I will also write email letters on Wednesday.
marked for later
Gayle - Thank you for your inspiration! I appreciate you giving us the handy/easy email addresses available. I will also write email letters on Wednesday.
Hi Gayle, you are welcome, and those are website addresses, not email addresses. Only The Sydney Morning Herald accepts letters to the editor by email at [email protected]. The other newspapers require that you complete an online form. To make it less confussing for people, I just wrote the website addresses instead of combining website addresses with email addresses.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
ABible Student
Please keep us informed if you have any success with your"letters".The day after I sent a letter via the web to the Herald Sun a journalist phoned my wife,I was out,and said he would call back later,he never did and my wife didn`t get his name.
To date my "letter" has not been published in the newspaper
The borg has such deep pockets. I find it interesting there is a woman as an attorney. She must be pretty good. (Does she wear slacks to Court?) If Australia is like the US there are probably dozens if not hundreds of cases to prioritize. That would slow things down in itself.I hope things turn out well but if not the ice is cracking. There is no difference between the borg and the catholic church. Thank you Steven!