New KH and lies to the council!

by punkofnice 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • steve2

    None of this would happen if governments and local bodies got over their medieval-need to treat organized religions (e.g., lots of tax exemptions) differently from secular businesses. The so-called "charity" tax laws are excuses for organized religions to amass great wealth and assets, while the neighbourhood businesses struggle to make a decent and sustainable profit. Imagine how hard the local powers would slam a business that "tried" to hide aspects of its setup to avoid paying taxes. I agree with Rutherford on nothing greater than his slogan, "Religion is a snare and a racket".

  • mummatron

    Hiya Punk,

    This is quite complicated and applies mainly to the employment laws governing National Minimum Wage (NMW) rather than the Housing Acts or anything related to council tax. There are regulations in place regarding offsetting pay for jobs such as janitorial/hospitality work with accomodation. I'm somwhat 'out-of-the-loop' when it comes to how CO's expenses etc are provided nowadays, so I can't comment on how exactly they are trying to delude the council, but have a read of this and see what you think...

  • punkofnice

    Cantleave – Foundsheep – Bella15 – Alfred – ABibleStudent - If and/or when I hear it’s gone ahead I’ll be on to the local council and possibly the papers. I’ll also print off evidence of ‘theocratic warfare strategy’.

    BroMac – The boat ended up in my old congo!

    James_woods – I’m unsure of the reason by law but this is the UK. My memory fails me on the exact reasons. I’m betting it’s 100% to do with money!

    Wha happened? – I agree. Funny how the WBT$ think they don’t need to pay Caesar’s things to Caesar!

    Moshe – Windows? I’m not sure it was a ‘Plymouth Brethren’ hall previously.

    Mickey mouse – This is what I was thinking might be the case. After all the CO is really a paid clergyman. He doesn’t do any real work.

    Mad Sweeney – Yes. That makes sense. The area where we are is predominantly Anglican if that makes any difference.

    Steve2 – Too true! Judge Boozerford was talking about his own cult.

    Mummatron – By Jingo! You’re a genius!......and have the green eyebrows to match!!

  • WTWizard

    I would like to see this reported. Along with the fact that you were coerced into hiding this lie--I bet that would open a can of worms for the witlesses who are supposed to be "in the truth". For sure, they will get in trouble on that incident, and probably audited for others (hopefully including pedophile defending).

  • Refriedtruth

    I "knew where the bodies where buried" and when I was disfellowshipped from the Bridgewater Massachusetts cong years ago I 'blew the whistle' to the town on the Kingdom hall illegal sewer septic system they had to spend $40,000 on new leaching field it was in a swamp and was a poor perk.


  • punkofnice

    WTWizard - Refriedtruth.

    Letter sent! We'll see where it goes from there. If anywhere.

  • punkofnice

    Ooooh. Double post! How strange!

  • james_woods

    James_woods – I’m unsure of the reason by law but this is the UK. My memory fails me on the exact reasons. I’m betting it’s 100% to do with money!

    Oh, I am sure you are right about it being all to do about money - I was just curious, that's all...

  • punkofnice


    I don't know if it was my letter to the council that did anything but the JWs STILL haven't got very far with the refurbishment of the new kingdom hell!

  • cofty

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