Unbelievable that this is a David Bowie song, I remember it from the 70s, but only just rediscovered it
Your Fav Weird or Whacky Songs
by finallysomepride 39 Replies latest jw friends
that's my cat's fav LOL
Black Sheep
From Auzzie band, Skyhooks
I'm Normal
Sorry, but it's not on YouTube. It is on Spotify
It doesn't get any more wacky than this....and its an awesome song!! God I love the '80s.
Aussie Oz
Morris minor and the majors
'stutter' rap and 'another boring b side'
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (tell me that wasn't a weird/wacky song!), dear FSP (peace to you!)! I LOVED that song (still do)! Loved Freddie Mercury - SO before his time! Can you imagine his music today?
"Is this the real life... or is this just fantasy?"
Ennywho... peace!
SA, on her own... who may just see a little silhouetto of a man... "Scaramouch, Scaramouch, can you do the fandango"?... humming, "Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Figaro... magnifico-co-co-co!"
Anything by the Cramps is weird/whacky.