You promise us audio from Zone meeting. You change your mind?
Elderelite where is audio from zone meeting that you promise ...
by obarac 18 Replies latest jw friends
IMHO... A friendly reminder via PM works a little better than putting someone on the spot...
Well, I want to hear it, too.
Alfred ...
I send elderelite PM but he didn't answer. Also he was on this site today (after long time), so I was hoping that he will post the link, but he didn't. Maybe he'll answer on this way.
Yea i Got distracted on that.... The file is 2 gigs and i had a hard time finding a site to host it... If i have to break it up i will and i will try to remember to do it tonight (est usa) sorry all
diana netherton
It's almost embarassing to be American right now. Everytime I see that clip of Perry
at the debate last night I cringe. Cain makes my skin crawl and Bachman terrifies me.
Anyone else feel the same?
Bachmann definitely gives me the creeps
Sounds like it's in a WAV file? Try re-encoding it to MP3s.
I also think that it can be wav or even flac file. 2GB for audio of some 2.5 hours it can't be mp3. You can converte from WAV to mp3. And than it will be much easier to upload.
Nothing of importance was said.
Just a bunch of doctored statistics based on the fallacy of confusing "increase" with "rate of increase".
They always say the numbers are accelerating.
Acceleration does not mean moving fast or growing or getting larger. It is a derivative of rate of speed over time.
Adding more and more people every year must be looked at as a percentage.
If JW's add 200,000 members every year it is roughly a 3% increase. It is a large number? Compared to what? Oh yeah 7,000,000.
It's just like interest on a bank account will keep adding larger sums each year even though the interest doesn't change.
Acceleration means an increase in the percentage of increase over time.
In reality JW's have been DE-celerating. It is almost possible to predict a time when they will steadily lose more members than they can add until they virtually disappear.
They mistakenly apply the scripture Isaiah 60:22 "I myself Jehovah shall speed it up in its own time" to this process.
All of these pep meetings are built around this fallacy. Number of Kingdom Halls built, New Assembly Halls, Number of Bibles printed etc.
What I've heard about the zone meeting is just warmed over annual corporate meeting.
Selected ones are invited to "reward" the Diamond Distributors.
My point is don't even bother posting it.
Just give a summary of what was NEW or DIFFERENT.
Save us some time.