Lessons the Governing Body should take from the Joe Paterno scandal (but probably won't)

by sir82 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • freydo

    This is how jw's get rid of internal investigators.

    It's the way witnesses to the JFK tragedy disappeared.

    Yesterday was like a wake.

    Do you wonder why there are no Protestants on the Supreme Court?

    Connect the dots.

  • ziddina

    I haven't followed the Penn State scandal closely - hubby has been keeping me posted on the major developments...

    All I can say is, I sure would like to see this sort of exposure hit the Watchtower Society...

    And hard!!

  • freydo

    It's about doing what's right and following your conscience , not following rules.

    If your conscience can't make you do what's right, you might as well kill yourself.

    What's left for Joe-Pa, et al? I think they ought to erect a skaffold in Beaver Stadium

    and hang Jerry S. Joe-Pa could pull the lever to make up for what he claims that he "didn't do enough."

    Justice would be done. Not Jerry S. making licence plactes for the next 10 years.

    You have to clean out the crap!! Including the scum on this board.

  • freydo

    There's a lesson here for the owner of this board

  • bohm

    Including the scum on this board.

    Who are the skum of this board freydo?

    There's a lesson here for the owner of this board

    what lesson?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I see it hitting the WT down the road. There's talk now of changing legislation on the current law. Simply flipping it up to mgmt isn't enough. There's a personal responsibility to see it get to the proper authorities. This, for the local elder, means more than a call to legal in NY, or an anonymous call to police via a pay phone. (although is there such a thing as a pay phone anymore?)

    This will really put pressure on the local elder getting to police as the WT is not going to prevent the local elder from jail, should he not seek out authorites on a crime that he knew was comitted. It's a step futher on preventing more of these abuse scenarios getting buried. Local elders just aren't going to be the whipping boys for the society

  • ziddina

    Yes, Wha Happened...

    But what I'd really like to see, is the past behavior of the Watchtower Corporation towards victims of sexual molestation, exposed...

    The attitude that the kid is "making it up" if there aren't two witnesses, so shut the kid up with threats of disfellowshipment...

    And the decades that this policy has been in effect...

    THAT would make a jucier story than the Penn State fiasco!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    A bunch of misguided people will always get mad and protest the wrong part of any injustice and ignore the real problem.

    In the Joe Paterno scandal, it's the firing of the coach and forgetting about the children.
    In the Watchtower, it'll be the "persecution" of JW's and forgetting about the children.

  • Magwitch

    Since the majority of child abuse cases in the Borg are "ALLEGED" nothing will ever change. Most of the elders see the situation as "the little bastards are making the story up"

  • ziddina
    "Since the majority of child abuse cases in the Borg are "ALLEGED" nothing will ever change...." [Magwitch]

    Well, I sure wish - hope - that a solid investigative journalist would sink his teeth into the story, and shake it like a dead rat...

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