I have no idea, that is why I'm asking. I did mention on another thread that need might be involed, but they said no. So what powers evolution? You might tell me to read loads of books about it but I'm not much for reading, unless what I'm reading is interesting. Like for instance Lonewolf, Gladiator, or Terry. But I'm not much for sitting down and reading for weeks and weeks. Anyway, I have a house to take care of and people to feed.
What is the spark that powers Evolution?
by N.drew 173 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Please tell me in one short paragraph. Did you not read that I have a house and people? Also I have wood to stack and I have a hobby. I do not want to enlist in another forum and anyway I'm on someone's black list, and they might not take me, and that would be too weird. So please just tell me. Thank you.
It is like - lightning ...
Or, in statistically more cases - cosmic rays -
Are you kidding? I should probably be more specific. What is the power that seems to know what will be the functioning end of a thing that has been put together by the electric power. Can we call it a catalyst?
The power does not know.
The river does not know what course it will take down the mountain.
J. Hofer
nothing really. evolution doesn't care about the outcome (with a few human made exceptions). it's only the description of a process. the functioning part is simply those outcomes that didn't die along the way, like 99% of all species that ever lived on earth.
Right. Mr. Fun Chew. OK, I get it, but what reality thing a ma jig does know. It has to know because it ends up working. HOW does it know it will end up working. Define HOW, please! Not you james_woods. The one that knows, please answer. It's on a need to know basis. I realize this looks like a trap, but i can assure you it is a perfectly innocent question. If you can answer me, you just might have a convert, I realize that is not what you want, but some of you can sure fool world about wanting and not wanting.....
No Mr.J. Hofer, I believe not enough time has transpired since the BIG BANG for what you say to be true.