"Those who were career Ministerial Servants did one thing well, bookroom, cleaning or soundbooth. They usually weren't intellectually bright enough to meet all the "other" requirements. Those who converted and took off running usually had skills, speaking, teaching or were affable and had likeable personalities. Oddly enough they tended to have a bit more education as well. There were always those born to the breed who were on a career path who were voted in via DNA and they were usually tools. It's a mixed bag Flip. On the whole there had to be conformity but functions weren't enough in this locale."
I want to comment on one part of this comment. In whole, I understand the thought behind it and agree with the intent, but I slightly disagree with the "intellectually bright enough" bit...
I was a career MS, never made elder. I was good at my MS duties. I lacked two things, well, maybe three, that kept me from being elder... I was introverted and my public speaking ability was nil... and I didn't kiss asses. So you're right...speaking skills, being affable and likeable were pre-requisites to being fast-tracked.
But - I was intellectually bright enough (I mean, I'm no genius but I'm not an idiot either) to do everything but give public talks and sooth troubled souls. I knew doctrine...and policy... better than most of the other elders. Until I overcame my fear of public speaking, I was never going to make elder, I was told (which while true, was also an easy excuse because I didn't always play well with others and they figured I could be hard to keep in line).
It wasn't being intellectually deficient, educated or otherwise. It was other deficiencies...the same ones that tend to help people move up corporate and political ladders. Kiss asses, affable, likeable, public speaking. Those alone don't define intellectual brightness.
Okay... I'm through defending the intellectually un-bright ex-MSs... Carry on...