It can cost up to $3,000 to fly a sister and her husband to give a part on the circuit assembly, wine and dine, and house in a nice hotel. The district conventions are not cheap, nor are they really productive, the message is lost so quick. There has to be a way to get more bang, for your buck! How much cash does it cost to send a CO or DO on a International Convention? Money could be spent on building Halls instead of bringing someone from New York to dedicate a building. Do you have any serious cost-cutting ideas you would like to share? This is a brain storm session, serious comments are appreciated.
by AvocadoJake 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
simply stop having any conventions at all, just imagine a district convention entirely over the internet.
I still wouldn't attend tho
A savings of tens of millions of dollars for the organization and probably five hundred million or more, for the sheep. Why should the DC, be the sheeps only vacation? Try sitting in a hot stinky stadium, with insane heat, babies crying and humidity!
Cost Cutting 10 points!
Sheep friendly without fleecing the flock! 10 points! Good Post!
Average daily rate = Number of Rooms x Hotel rates, plus food, dinning, gas and helping old or insane ones attend, can't put a price on this.
wha happened?
The DC's bring in too much money. That arrangement might be modified, but never deleted.
AJ you said your asking for serious comments but then you can't be serious when you say they fly guys out from New York to dedicate a building. That can't be right?
In any large corporation they use travel (to conventions/forums etc) as a prestigious bonus to those that they feel are deserving of it. It is also to show the rest of the workers that there are perks at the top whilst at the same time making those receiving the benefit feel superior.
I would think relaxing stupid requirements would help a lot. You need less hounding (and less hounder-hounder expense) if you have fewer burdensome rules on the flock.
Another thing they could do is stop wasting funds building new Kingdumb Hells that they do not need. If they made do with what they have instead of replacing or major-remodeling buildings still in fine condition, they would spend a lot less. Additionally, using good parts and components when they do build would save lots in broken parts and wasted energy.
Most of their costs are in getting the littera-trash distributed to the public. To do that, they need to harvest lots of trees (wasting resources), transport them to mills, transport the paper and other supplies to headquarters, waste huge amounts of labor and energy printing them into rags, and then shipping those rags to congregations. Most of those rags have little or nothing of value, merely reiterating some other point with minor or pointless "new light". Doing away with that redundancy, and allowing congregations to print the material online and reimbursing (or allowing them to use local donations to pay for it) and read non-study material online would save plenty. And, placing things could be simplified if they simply got a web site where they could read the rags instead of wasting gas to distribute hard copies. If it makes them more comfortable, they could print hard copies of study publications and Bibles, leaving everything else online.
But, to me the best solution is to increase the real value. If people were getting real value in attending these things, they would be more willing to pay for it. Creating real value and charging dues that are in line with that value would ensure steady cash flow. It would also force them to maintain the value, since cutting the quality would cut the revenues. The religion would benefit from more stable cash flow. The members would benefit by being enabled to do things that matter and to sustain themselves. And the public would benefit from such services (in the form of businesses that drive prices down on goods they use every day) and the opportunities to join themselves and start their own value creating businesses. To me, that would be far better than cost cutting. You can cut costs all the way to zero, but if you do not produce value, your profits will also be zero.
simply stop having any conventions at all, just imagine a district convention entirely over the internet.
I wonder if the recent US "zone visits", where the speakers were viewed via giant arena video screens, was a preview of things to come?
It would cut down on some travel expenses, but more importantly for the WTS, it would greatly increase the control of information. Every convention would be guaranteed to have the exact same information presented with the exact same words.
Merge the public Watchtower and Awake! So the monthly ministry offering would be "The Watchtower - Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, incorporating AWAKE! magazine". That would result in cutting monthly production by half but they could keep the 'popular' YPA and watching the world articles and alternate with the regular WT life story features.
Eliminate the 'congregation book study' and cut the mid week meeting by 30 mins. Would be good for those with kids for the meeting to finish earlier, but would also reduce the pressure on the society to produce new books if they're not needed for new book studies. Books would only then need to be produced when the old ones are blatently old light.
Outsource printing to cheap private firms.
Make the magazine servant responsible for priniting one study watchtower for each publisher - downloaded from a pdf. - That would save about 10 million mags per month.
Cut 3 day conventions to two days
Close local bethels and have one mega bethel per continent (are they doing this already?)
Phase out and retire missionarys and DO/COs before they complete 30 years full time service (or whatever the cut off is) so the society is not liable for a growing number of old peoples health care.
And for fund raising ideas - bring in an 'Honor Jehovah with your valuable things' voluntary tithe arrangement whereby you can report 1 hours service for every 10 dollars you contribute...
There has to be a way to get more bang, for your buck!
Hire a prostitute.