My father was a narcissist and psychopath. What troubles me is that he conformed his behavior outside the home. If he had a brain disorder, something beyond his control. he would have been arrested or fired many times. So he could conform his behavior which makes the chaos and violence at home even worse in many ways.
I hated playing secretary and being deferential to mental midgets. They were strict. I would not hire me for the jobs I held b/c my background info available to me showed I would be very unhappy. So I had a long list of supervisors that annoyed me. Within the past few years, I held a job for the disabled to re-enter the workforce. I was a license tech. In decades of working, and many temp jobs, I never met anyone so abusive. The other people I did not relish but they were decent. She preyed upon the disabled. It was so far from a routine business atmosphere I could not believe. She would have made a great slave overseer in the South. I filed a complaint with the state. Altho people suffering serious stress illnesses due to her attitude, it is always a matter of corroboration. I would easily term her as evil. She broke many employment and privacy laws. Employees stormed out routinely. If we organized as a group and filed a group complaint, there would be corroboration. The state's attitude was disabled people should accept crumbs. Why should an employee of ours be bound by business etiquette and law. I think individual JWs who left faced the same situation with the WTBTS. The Internet has beeen a saviour.
I've read about narcissism and psychopaths and I don't just get it. Well, I don't get schizoprhenia either. Many narcissists are abuse victims yet they remain a small segment of the abused. Reading about temperament spooked me. It does not seem to be a conscious choice. Or maybe it is. It is so foreign from my own experience.