No, dear Booker-T (peace to you!), in response to your thread title. There are actually several inaccuracies taught on this matter in the world (may you ALL have peace!)... and such have led many to believe that "Armageddon" is the same things as the "great tribulation"... which is the same thing as and occurs when my Lord "returns"... which is the same thing as the occurs with the start of the apocalyptical "ride of the four horsemen." Each of these events, however, are very separate, very different, and very distinct events... and not necessarily tied to one another. They don't even occur within the same timeframes (not even close, in a couple instances).
1. The "[Great] Tribulation" - An event covering MANY years that occurs BEFORE Christ's return, which return occurs "immediately AFTER". Its predecessor and corresponding "tribulation" lasted approximately 40 years (from the death of Christ until the destruction of the temple).
2. Christ's Return - Although my Lord is present with those of his Body NOW... that presence is "invisible". It is manifest in SPIRIT, not in flesh. When he RETURNS, however, his presence will not be invisible but visible... to all flesh. Every eye will see him... and see him as he truly IS (which is NOT in the appearance of a human man, but the spirit being.. seraph... he actually is). Hence, some will try to hide/call for the mountains to fall over/rocks cover them. The word used for both events (presence, even invisible, and coming... is "parousia"). The WTBTS has contributed to much of the confusion around this due to their denial of the word "parousia" also meaning "coming" (they publish that the Greek word "eleusis" is the proper word - this can be correct; however, it is not what translators used).
This return is NOT accompanied with war - to the contrary, it starts the clock for the "separating" of the "sheep" and the "goats", an event that occurs during the 1,000 years that the Body rules with Christ (they only get to do so for 1,000 years; however, HIS rulership is "indefinitely lasting"). The first order of his return is to gather his chosen ones: those who belong to him but have died are resurrected to spirit bodies ("white robes")... AT THE SAME TIME as those who belong to him but have not died are CHANGED to spirit bodies. This is the "first" resurrection. Together, they are taken into the spirit realm where they are "joined"... married... to him in SPIRIT. So as to become one; "husband" and "wife". They are his "Bride."
Once joined, these all return to rule UPON the earth, not "over" it (as in "from above", as taught by the WTBTS). Hence, John wrote, "I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down OUT of heaven... FROM God... prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband." That "City"... made up of PEOPLE... will be given rulership with Christ... in the PHYSICAL realm... for 1,000 years. Thus, Christ's RETURN... is followed by PEACE - at least, 1000 years of it.
3. The Four Horsemen - That "ride" has already begun. The mission of the first horseman began when my Lord re-entered the spirit realm to offer his blood as a sacrifice for those who put faith in him... and in the "value" of that blood. From that point, Michael (who is NOT Christ, but IS a "prince"), and his angels warred with Satan (and his angels)... resulting in the latter being cast out of the spirit realm (they now exist "between" that one and this realm). Very shortly after, our Lord himself went forth to "subdue" those who belong to him, teaching them PEACE and thus, to "conquer" the world, as he did - which did not include/involve war but, rather, not allowing the world to conquer him!)
The second, third, and fourth Horsemen represent events that occur during the "[great] tribulation"... which has not yet occurred (although the Holocaust certainly may have seemed like it!).
4. "Armageddon" - This is not an even, per se, but a PLACE. The event ASSOCIATED with it is often depicted by the ride of the Horsemen and considered part of the Christ's return; however, the event actually takes place at least 1,000 years AFTER Christ's return, and thus, at least 1,000 years AFTER the [great] tribulation (which includes the "ride"). The impetus for this event is Satan being loosed from the abyss (where he has BEEN for the previous 1,000 years)... and going out and misleading "Gog" and "Magog" to come against [the holy City] New Jersualem. Satan misleads these by means of "three unclean inspired expressions that look like frogs." One comes out of the mouth of the "dragon", one from the mouth of the "wild beast", and one from the mouth of the "false prophet."
Through the propaganda of the "unclean" expressions, "Gog"... (i.e., those HUMANS who are identified as "goats", which occurs during the "1,000 years" - the time during which Christ rules with co-rulers and Satan is abyssed)... and "Magog" (i.e., those SPIRIT BEINGS who still refuse to acknowledge his kingship)... are "gathered" to the "place" called "Har-Mageddon" (formerly, the burning garbage heap OUTSIDE Jerusalem). To prevent these from conquering and ENTERING the "City"... so as to gain access to and eat from the Tree of Life... which is in the MIDDLE of the "City" (which they've been misled to think they can do!) ... the Most Holy One Himself breathes down fire, basically reducing them to... a burning heap of "garbage"... OUTSIDE the "City."
These believe they CAN come against the City due, yes, to the propoganda... but also because of the PEACE that has existed for... 1,000 years: Christ and his brothers are ruling and Satan is abyssed. Thus, no threat TO peace in the physical realm.
Which brings me to something I often find quite curious among "believers": there is, due to the misleading teachings and doctrines of various "christian" religions (particularly, the WTBTS), a climate of "fear" that precedes/accompanies every "natural disaster" that occurs in the earth. "Surely, THIS is the end! Surely, Armageddon has arrived!" These either do not know (because they haven't heard, been told, or read of it)... or FORGET, that:
1. Such things are the "BEGINNING of "pangs of distress but the end IS NOT YET"...
2. It is "when they are saying PEACE AND SECURITY" that "sudden destruction" comes upon "them."
The first relates to the [great] tribulation; the second, to "Armageddon." If one is looking to the stars, movements in the earth, "disasters", etc., as "signs" that the "end" has come... they are misleading themselves. "Armageddon" (rather, God's War, that occurs at the place called "Har-Mageddon")... is preceded by a GREAT period... at least, 1,000 years... of PEACE. In the ENTIRE earth!
The [great] tribulation, however, is another matter altogether. THAT is not only preceded by movements in the earth, etc., but followed by great persecution of the Body of Christ ("brother will deliver up brother"). THAT is preceded by an attack against believers, in general. Of all ilk. Misled believers, as well as true believers. It will mimic Herod's attempt to wipe out the Christ child... by wiping out ALL children (of a certain age).
It is my Lord's return that is announced, by the "trumpet" voice of Michael, the lone angel of the Ark (arkangel); however, even so... ALL of the "virgins" are asleep when that announcement goes out. The entire Bride... is "unconscious." HALF of them, however, have enough "oil"... holy spirit... in their "lamps" (eyes/ears)... so as to HEAR that announcement and SEE him coming... before everyone else (who, too, will see him, eventually) does.
There is NO announcement, however, for "Armageddon"... at least 1,000 years later. Those who deign to attack the "Holy City" and thus the Most Holy One of Israel DIRECTLY... deserve no warning. And so, won't get one.
Those who purport to "know" among religion/scholarship have so lumped these events together that, rather than even looking at the recordings that speak of them (if they lack the faith to ASK), folks just take "their" word for it that they are all one and the same. They are not. Not even close, actually.
I hope this helps and, again, bid you all peace!
A slave of Christ,