by AvocadoJake 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • trueblue

    SM: If you are still in then I hope you find some (Elders & MS) who sincerely feel like I did;

    Would not do any good if I did now because I will not live long enough to learn to put up with their crap and it would not do do me any good to put up with there crap because the damage is all done, there is no familly left for me, then they have enough nerve to bring out a letter nearly 40 years old that was supposed to make me feel better, they should have left that letter in their a$$, and at the same time they say to me you are suppose to forgive freely and also told me that they can not beleive anything that I say because I said things about god's people that wasn't true when they are the ones saying things about my familly and I that isn't true so we even then I can not beleive anything they say and what the "H" do they want to talk to me or ask me questions if they can not beleive me.

    The last time I tried going out in FS an elder anounced that they were going out in service and I showed up to go and not enough people showed up so the elder decided he was going to spend quality time with his familly and tells me about the new rule about having to do the questions again or you could go with an elder (but he is having quality time with his familly and I wish I even had a familly) and get this the same elder gives a talk about or to people going in FS that if they come accross someone interested and at the same time have other plans you should give up the things that you want and help the person in need. The list goes on and on with these two faced bassturd's, they tell me I can not volunteer work on the KH because I am not baptized then I see and here of none baptized people working on the KH. They imbarass me and by getting me to stand in line to look at the board for Tuesday meeting and everyone looks at me as though I am an out cast and elder says they can not put my name on the board unless you are baptized and I look and there is a nonebaptized person's name on the board. When ever I was only creating an odd number and getting in the way of their little clicks.

    They are impossible and I did not want to clean their toilets anyway...

  • MrFreeze

    I would say this is not the WT approved mindset of "weak" ones. Most weak ones anyway. There are different types. Weak ones who genuinely do not care about going to meetings or service. Then there are other ones who want to but to due to varying circumstances can't do what they want to do. It has been my experience in my hall that the elders tried to reach out to these ones who they figured out really wanted to be there. Otherwise they couldn't care less about them. I mean look at me, the elders stopped visiting me when they realized there was no point.

  • LongHairGal

    AVOCADO JAKE: Reading things like this makes me glad I no longer associate. I am not surprised though, because I detected a few like this back in the day. JWs this self-righteous should wear some sort of a badge or identifying object so that everybody ELSE avoid them. Why should some other JW waste their breath greeting them? Hopefully, if any one of these super JWs has a problem, their so-called "spiritual" friends can help them. I would run in the other direction.

  • lilbluekitty

    I have definitely met people like that, no matter where I've lived in the US. Up in New England, they're like that. Down here in TX they're like that. One elder's wife told me I could not go to her party because I didn't have enough hours in field service (something she is supposedly not supposed to know.) Another sister told me, after I asked if we could hang out after the meeting, that we would have to wait and see if my meeting attendance and hours in field service improved, then she might invite me. As though I was a dog that needed to do more tricks in order to get a treat. The Bible says to assist those who are weak. The people who act like that do not read ALL of the Bible, only the scriptures that make them feel good.

    Like I mentioned on a FB group recently, the JWs taught me to hate, Christians are taught to love.

  • lilbluekitty

    Oh, and LongHairGal, you said "JWs this self-righteous should wear some sort of a badge or identifying object so that everybody ELSE avoid them." (I don't know how to quote on this forum yet LOL)

    You don't even need it. Just look at them. How do they stand, how do they speak? Is their heads held high with their chins up? Do they speak down to some and praise others? What I mean is, are they only friends with pioneers and elders and their wives? I've heard people say "he's ONLY an MS." I always made it a point to talk to EVERYONE, even the little older sisters who everyone either ignored or pretended to like. Some of my best friends were those old ladies. I didn't talk to only people my own age or a certain status in the congregation. Anyways, you can just tell when you look at those people who are totally SR (self-righteous). You can tell by their comments in the meeting. They go on for like 5 minutes or more. You can just tell. My own grandmother is totally SR.

  • meni

    Pharisees will always be pharisees, Isaiah ch 58 covers the situation rather well, to paraphase rather broadly first 3 verses are these type of strangers(Isaiah61v5) not all are like them.They do everything from bible study to association regularly expressing their delight in being witnesses.They fast that is go without normality by witnessing regularly and living lives that are extremly disciplined, when someone who is weak,(not like them)they will not get close, they can't, they are obsessive compulsives.Indeed they enjoy their righteousness, and good on them ,they have not paid attention to the spirit of Gods word,. Joab and his brothers were used by Jah but David,( jahs friend )said of them "they were too severe"2Samuel 3v39 ,David instructed his son Solomon to kill him,Solomon pictured Jesus in the new system. Jehu was asked to destroy Ahab and Jezabel and then you read in Hosea ch1 v4, he was held accountable for it .Why? the same reason . He left the high places alone , he was a hypocrite. Secret sinners always yell the loudest, look at Judas complaining about the expensive perfume used on Jesus feet. Someone under Jehovahs discipline is the opposite to men who won't associate with weaker ones.They will be held accountable , which is unfortunate for them as it is a wasted life . Hopefully they get the sense of it , but if not don't worry , let them enjoy their glory now,yours will come Isaiah 58 v6 onwards is the spirit of the truth (jesus) when you see jah behind you and in front of you he raises you higher on the mountain and you see all the players clearly.

  • N.drew

    Hello meni! It is an interesting first post! Thank you for posting it. Welcome!

  • AvocadoJake

    Blondie, the Pharisee attitude is right on! To those who disagree with this, you are part of the one percent, who might have elite elders who care about people, instead of following the rules and burdening the flock. This problem is getting worse, and with the economic constraints and time constraints, this will morph into something uglier. This website is loaded with people lurking, searching for answers, comfort they are not getting at the Halls. I have to be careful what I write, I feel obligated to Jehovah and Jesus to tell the truth to you. This crap is too crazy to make up, and most of us know some whacked out people drinking the Grape Flavorade that engergizes their Pious nature.

  • meni

    Really important right now to put to the side ( respectfully) anyone who is not in harmony with Jah's heavenly Jerusalem, . Pharisees whatever their standing will seem insignificant to you if you gain approval from higher up the mountain.(Psalm 133)The innermost room ( Isaiah 26 v 20) is not in the middle of a utility , or kingdom hall. ( even if meetings are good for us).It is the evidence that the ransom has covered you. The innermost room was that place inside any house in Egypt where the passover blood was on the front door post .. So ,set matters right with Jehovah methodically, as if you were addressing each incident (Psalm 90 v12) with the sacrifice of Christs blood .(your memory will be kind) you will remove the scar tissue from your heart , and feel refreshment and clarity, not servitude and anguish . Most of the temple class recieve their burning or refining fire from uncircumcised hearts of vinedressers or strangers (Isaiah61 v5) ,so you see you are in good company,once you have removed the weight of the law , meetings can become a place of encouragement and Pharisees begin to look like bagatels with millstones attached. Pharisees can change also,Saul.

  • wobble

    I was never considered one who was super "strong" in the religion, I was too much of a rebel. I too, like Simon Morley used to befriend and help along those who were like me to some degree,a bit of an outsider.

    To be "strong" in their minds you need to be the most mind-controlled of people, any sign that you are capable of thinking for yourself, is, ironically, labelled as "weakness".

    I often found that those who were labelled "weak" were ones with very strong moral values that they stuck to whatever, just one example, a sister they would have labelled as weak, loudly said to me at the back of the KH "I don't care what the Society comes out with, I know what the Bible says". She was strong, but to hide its own weakness, the cult would call her weak.


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