Are there ex-jws who haven't read Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk?

by mutinyinheaven 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL @ Six

  • sherah

    I'll borrow it from the library but the shilling is a major turn-off.

  • mutinyinheaven

    yeah, broken promises, you didn't look too closely at my previous postings. i contribute to this board. read other people's posts and geniunely care about adding to discussions and giving hugs when possible. i post my real name and link b/c i don't have to hide anything anymore. and i don't have to hide behind a moniker to be an a$$. i take full responsibility if a post comes off like an a$$ b/c people know exactly who i am, where they can find me.

    so many aggressive replies from you is sillier than "blatant advertising". one post with an actual concern that this could have been blatant advert, was enough. i guess, thanks for bumping it.

    hiding real identities on this board is understandable b/c of family situations. hiding to say things you would never say to my face is weak.

    i encourage people to get it from their local library if they can't afford it. that's free reading and i receive no compensation from that and the libraries are supported, so everyone can do that if they like.

    the book has done well, but for some reason ex-jws are a minority audience. probably because too many ex-jw books are woe is me memoirs. that might be the case. and since it's published in a traditional way with an actual publisher, i don't have the rights to send out free e-books, i sold those rights last year.

    and, i find there's a handful of ex-jws who are sadder than jws, same righteousness, still misplaced.

    now, if this originally a post for a janitorial service, that would be blatant. my next book comes out soon, and since it's not jw related, it won't be brought up here.

    my last reply to yours or others' lame jokes, unless they are actually funny.

    say your real names. tell everyone what city you live in. actually, another reason i do this is b/c my bio shows what neighborhood i live in in san francisco, so people can get in contact and meet if they like.

    -Tony DuShane

  • GromitSK

    I don't think giving real names and locations out on public boards is necessarily a good idea tbh. Whether it is because someone is a JW or not. If you want to take that step it's a personal choice. As for authors recommending their own books, perhaps it is better if others do that.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    MIH, I'm so glad you care for others while you blatently advertise your book. I guess sales mustn't be going that well if you are so desparate that you have to mention it in EVERY SINGLE POST YOU MAKE.

    As for real names etc, no one is "hiding". As GromitSK pointed out, there are plenty of good reasons for not putting our real names and addresses out there for the whole world to see. I guess you're not smart enough to realise that yet.

  • talesin

    No one complained when Brian was 'floggin his book' .... I'm okay with this, myself ,,, everything I have read (and I've read some reviews online) about this book is good.

    I see nothing wrong with Tony posting this .... sorry, peeps, to disagree! but that's how I feel. I do understand others' concerns, though.

    Only wish my local library had it.... :(


    Edit: BP, this was not directed at you,,, your post showed up as I was typing mine. xo

  • Botzwana

    I shill my restaurant ALL the time at other boards...Not at this one though...Want to remain hidden for now.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Who's "Brian"?

  • SixofNine

    Ps... Tony, you're an asshole for making me cry in the last chapter until I checked the jacket to remind myself that this was fiction.

  • talesin

    BP,, remember, he wrote a book,,, oh, I can't remember the name ... about his JW growing up and lookign for his real family ... about the time I was online about 5-6 yrs ago..

    he used to post about it quite a lot ... I'll see if I can find it.


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