Sorry about your sister AwSnap. It's is sad they are so conditioned to be this close-minded.
But,I think aquagirl hit the nail the head. It gives them a reason to feel superior and to feel good about themselves.
by AwSnap 26 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about your sister AwSnap. It's is sad they are so conditioned to be this close-minded.
But,I think aquagirl hit the nail the head. It gives them a reason to feel superior and to feel good about themselves.
Shunning is taking place all over the place, men shun, mark, avoid those who don't fit obey or live up to their insane expectations. Their mantra is "What have you done for me today?" "Past Service and Loyatly does not matter!"
AwSnap--- yes, it's stupid.. there's one elder who I was very close to growing up, and he used to clean the bank in the office tower where I worked. He always went out of his way to wave me over if he saw me leaving work. We would exchange greetings, how's your son, etc.. his eyes were always sad,, he never asked me to 'come back',, just always said how nice it was to see me. It made me stronger in knowing that I had made the right choice to leave. OTOH, my own nephew turned his back and wouldn't even look at me when I visited my Dad in the hospital a couple of years ago ... stupid!
btw, just noticed, it's nice to have another WW on board! :)
lol@ Avocado Jake ,, good one!
on loan from the annointed, lol, iclone
Aquagirl and EmptyInside, while I believe my sis's husband fits that criteria, I think my sister is just hanging on by a string. She's controlled by her husband, and she's got depression that she believes is just from living in Satan's world. I pray that one day it'll finally click with her.
I keep going over and over in my head. I *am* her older sister, and I've pushed my limits somewhat with the things I've said to her (not jw-related, just being a protective older sister). But then I realize, in most circumstances, this alone does not make someone shun their sibling. And honestly, wasn't that bad.
Sebastious, I know all about the groups . I've got "jdubs" "important jdubs" "family" "close friends" "jwn". FB has done so many changes, I haven't looked up lately whom is in which group. I don't wanna screw up. I already accidentally forgot to exclude the "jdubs" from my latest Halloween album. Thanks GAWD none of my family saw it, and I fixed it withing 2 days.
Quandry, no, I didn't yell "hey sis" or anything to her. I'm not ashamed by any means....just a little discouraged. I've gone threw the rage. I'm in between sadness and acceptance.
Talesin, I see you've been here longer than me. My apologies for stealing the WW......but us WW gotta stick together
I cant help but think about all of the people I have shunned in my life as a witness. It haunts me horribly that I so easily "drank the juice."
My theory on shunning is that it's an easy sacrifice to make.
Every other aspect of being a witness requires action. You need to go in service, you need to go to meetings, you need to study, you need to prepare, you need to, you need to, you need to. The list is almost endless.
Shunning you don't need to. You can just avoid someone, that's no work at all. You can claim infinite heartache, get a ton of sympathy from the hall, but it requires you to do... nothing.
It's the best bang for the witness buck there is. So easy, do nothing and feel righteous. Since it's sacrificing your relationship with your family, Jehovah will definately overlook those 3-4 secret sins you are harboring. After all, you are giving up your FAMILY for him.
I cant help but think about all of the people I have shunned in my life as a witness. It haunts me horribly that I so easily "drank the juice."
It's very satisfying to look some of those people up, if they didn't go back, and offer a sincere apology, at least it was for me. Even if you cannot find them all it's safe to say that most of them would accept an apology graciously as they already know the sting of the Watchtower all too well.
The whole WT system is dependent on control through fear -- fear of shunning, fear of Armageddon, etc.
AwSnap: I'm sorry that this is happening. Shunning is stupid. You deserve better. We all deserve better. The twisted WT theology has your sister thinking that she must show her love for you by having nothing to do with you.
Thanks LeavingWT. the weird thing is that she knows that I don't believe in the way that works. So she KNOWS that her shunning will only push me further away. I know she truly believes it's what she should do....but it's drivin' me nutso