Don't forget India with 1,170,938,000 people.
Yes, and the Watchtower has been "active" in that huge country for over 100 years and the results: A piddly small number of witnesses to the billion or so who live there!
by Sour Grapes 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
Don't forget India with 1,170,938,000 people.
Yes, and the Watchtower has been "active" in that huge country for over 100 years and the results: A piddly small number of witnesses to the billion or so who live there!
Kali trumps God.
JWS are delusionaly ignorant by the intensional and proficient force instituted by this disingenuous publishing house (WTS).
Somethings that get said up on the podiums are so far out the truth and reality, for me it was hearing lies wrapped up
in and beautiful tantalizing ribbons.
I think every religion has its own complacent forwarding propaganda in constant operation as an element of self support.
"No one takes better care of their fellow believers than do JW"s"................Anyone who has had an elderly loved one in a nursing home knows that the only visits they get are from a group of their fellow Witnesses who are in field service and can count the time they spend at the nursing home! Both my parents, out of their physical infirmaties, had to spend their last months at a nursing facility. They had been "in the Truth" for over 50 years, and the only visits they got were during these field service occasions. Yeah, what a bunch of loving folks they are! My parents were among those who sacrificed their lives for a pipe dream, that they would never grow old and die.
"Jehovah's Witnesses are giving a thoroughwitness to every nation in the world."
LOL - Forget about China or India and other parts of the world, let's look at US of A - home country of the cult. With over a million active plus many df-dub believers, how many Americans actually know what JWs are preaching? Generally, people know JWs don't take blood, often are called Jehovahs by the public and they go house to house recruiting. Maybe another point to add is that JWs believe in armageddon or are doomsday cult. Outside of these few points, JWs in US are failing to even teach the public basic facts about their beliefs!
Another thing, what are they witnesses of?????? Have they been eyewitnesses of something they can go and tell the public, have they experienced something performed by Jesus or Jehovah? NO! They are witnesses of Watchtower that tells them to go sell trash. The are witnesses of a cult that is ignorant, uneducated and lacking in critical thinking.
And the longest possible time that we will have to
endure this old system is until we die, and then we will be resurrected
into to a beautiful Paradise earth.
If they die, their doctrine teaches that they are not the "Other Sheep" and will get the same resurrection to Paradise as everyone they have been heaping scorn on for their whole lives including everyone who laughed at them and chased them from their door and their children & siblings that they abused for leaving their crappy little church.
their entire system of logic is crumbling, because it's a complete and total steaming pile of shit.
i can see someone saying, they are going to run around to all the doors in iran and leave a tract, hence they got a witness.
meanwhile you see family members stay out of the org for 70 years, then get baptized when they are 92.
they got 70 years to make their decision, but this entire country got 1 week, with 1 tract.
wake up. do something good for society. read steve wozniaks book, iwoz.
@Blondie - Whenever a statement is preceded by the word "evidently" what they are really saying is, "We have absolutely no scriptural proof for this assertion, but we will make it anyway, and you will believe/follow it. And of course we reserve the right to contradict this statement later and say it the spirit provided us with new light."
Evidently, the truth doesn't matter.
the truth doesn't matter in "the truth". blondie probably has a 3-ring binder with all her posts, probably bigger than the bible...which outlines this fact in complete legal format. she should publish it and sell it.
Its very much apparent that JWs are living in a fantasy land instigated mostly on fear and ignorance.
When ignorance is supplemented by fear it acts as a catalyst to sustain and make the ignorance flourish in spite of conclusive reasoning and logic.
I think this is the real reason that the JW religion probably never gained much public support, even though the religion itself
was delivered right at people's front doors for getting close to a century.
Fortunately for some the Fantasy was short lived and reality became more of a thing of importance in their lives ......thankfully