Anybody ever seen Robocop!

by Star tiger 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    In the first Robocop severval experiments implanted a human brain into a robotic form, I feel that I'm in the catogory of the one that realised they were totally alien in that form, just as a rational mind into the Jehovahs witness mentality and would probably blow their brains out rather than live a total lie!!


    Star Tiger

  • elderelite

    1) most american male over 35 have seen robo cop. It was ground breaking and, stupid as it was, a classic. What makes the man..... Memories...? Annatomy..? Love and life all the classic cyborg questions touched on, added to it plenty of vilolence..

    2) what...? U lost me after asking if we had seen robo cop.... Maybe take a few minutes and slow down, formulate your thoughts and make the comparission clear... Im interested, i just dont fully get it

  • Paralipomenon

    Yes I have seen Robocop, and no, it did not make me suicidal.

    ... I buy that for a dollar!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I think OP is compacting robocop 1&2 together.

    in 2 they tried to make another robo coand failed because the test subjects couldn't handle the new form they were inserted in. It was revealed that what made murphy the perfect speciman was his sense of duty and love for his pt 2 they got a crackhead.

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