Boy, mine did. Leave it to Beaver, Donna Reid, Ossie and Harriet made them squirm. Any show that depicted kind fathers, happy nurturing mothers, and normal kids getting to do normal kid things made them cranky and me sad. Frankly, I'm surprised they let me occasionally watch them considering how bad the shows made my parents look in comparason.
Did your parents HATE the TV show Father Knows Best?
by 3rdgen 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
I cried so hard. Why was she a princess and I was no good dirt? Why did they have a nice, happy home with parents who respected each other? My home was full of people being kicked and thrown around. Also, the hero father was always an executive with a secretary. I was so embarassed of my maintenace man father. The class thing was wrong. I equated class with abuse. It is not the true.
I did not know as a child that these shows were absolutely phoney. No one ever went to KH or read WTs on these shows. My mom did not wear pearls ever, let alone to clean and cook. She wore flats, rather than heels. Her hair was set but not coiffed perfectly. In fact, I was in total shock when All in the Family aired. My father dressed exactly like Archie Bunker. My mom was closer to edith than to some garden club lady. White sock, hats, work shoes, even white shirt that is not quite bright white.
Those shows were not real but the values were good. The Honeymooners appealed to me b/c Ralph Kramden was more like my father. The rapport between Ralph and Alice? was closer to my parents' rapport. Only Ralph truly loved her. He would never hit her, despite the threats. It is sad but the Honeymooners and I Love Lucy contain sexism that is very dated now.
Those old shows weren't too far off from my (Non-JW) family. It's sad that so many JW's seem to have bad memories of an unhappy childhood.
It is sad but the Honeymooners and I Love Lucy contain sexism that is very dated now.
I agree.
Of course, the sexism de jour is to protray men as the most incompetent, unintelligent, bumbling, selfish, uninvolved maladroits imaginable.
Shows like The Simpsons, American Dad, King of Queens, Yes Dear, Everybody Loves Raymond, Still Standing, My Wife and Kids, According To Jim, Malcolm in the Middle (And probably a few that I've never bothered to watch) indulge in this to an extraordinary degree.
Those shows were much like how the Watchtower portrayed the ideal Witness family. Mother in a dress and always deferring to her husband, Dad had a tie and always knew the solution to every problem, boys had short hair and the girs was in a starched dress at all times. They thought it was laughable that a non Witness family could have such high standards but it was totaly plausable if this type of family was portrayed on an assembly part.
Assembly demonstrations and dramas with a family setting always reminded me of a 50's sitcoms. Even as a child they made my stomach gnarl.
Can you imagine Wally and Beaver doing field service?
Ding : Hahahaha The "beav" in FS! hahah He would surely have gotten himself in a jam. He probably would have accidently placed his study copy of the WT that had the beard and mustauche(SP?) drawn on the pic of the woman on the cover! I found horns, glasses, doodles and notes of all kinds on my kid's mags. It kinda made me laff.
There has been so much research on how these shows screwed up the American teenager's mindset. The Brady Bunch, Father Knows Best, Leave It To Beaver, and all the fake family shows. What a disservice they did to the mind of all the kids in the 1960s and 1970s and what a lie told to all of us.
There has been so much research on how these shows screwed up the American teenager's mindset.
I would genuinely like to read one of these studies.
Can you imagine Wally and Beaver doing field service?
And they run into Lumpy Rutherford at the door? He'd give them "the business" at school the next day.
Or smarmy Eddie Haskell knocking on a door and saying to the lady of the house . " My that's a stunning housedress you're wearing today Mrs Jones"
Eddie would have been on public reproof most of his teen years for sure.
If Larry Mondello was a Witness he'd say to Miss Landers. " Gee Miss Landers, my Father is on a business trip to Cincinatti but he says I can't come to the class Christmas Party on account of us being true christians and all"