Painted" I have run into that logic talking to those who belive in Predestination.
"No matter what you do, it does not matter, God has chosen you to go to Heaven or Hell already!'
I reply "So it does not matter if I try to serve God the best I can, since I it has been decided already I can go out and party and sleep around?"
Preacher say's "That is the beauty of it all, you don't know and that is why you need to try, just in case you are chosen!"
My eyes wobble and pop out of my head, he leaves me with more questions, the way you felt today.
Did the CO really say we should be free of "Mens ideas (No Shirts but white ones.) and opinions (Only listen to Sara Brightman.) and rules (You must get at least 15 hours in field service each month. )?" "White CO man speaketh with forked tongue!"