What do you make of this statement made by the elderette in her comment this week? She is refering to the weak ones in the Halls. This is not an uncommon statement made by the pious ones.
"We Bring Them In The Front Door, Only To Have The Angels Throw Them Out The Back Door!A"
by AvocadoJake 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Jw's (myself included when I was in) can't handle the truth which is: the difficiency lies with the org. not with the ones who leave.
Aussie Oz
Thats funny considering they say the angels are guiding the door to door work...the bringing them in the 'front door'.
So now she thinks she and others are doing the angels jobs huh?
Oz :)
Good Point Oz, she does not know her Bible, if the angels are directing the work, why is she attributing it to humans? This chick, she is a glory hog, who loves to bask in the glory of Men and Women. When her name is read each month "I love Jehovah so much, I am a pioneer, Look Everyone, Look At Me!" she is so proud of herself.
Black Sheep
Always challenge foolish statements by Dubs .... especially if they have an audience.
Ask them to show you where it says that in their Bible?
It would be more accurate to say,
The angels are bring them in the front door, and you are kicking them out the back door.
But that's not exactly right either, since the angels aren't bringing anyone into the Watchtower.
Anyone who posts on this forum is an apostate and will be destroyed at Armaggeddon. Those who are active and smug JWs and come on this forum to kick us in the nuts, I have bad news for them: You have associated with apostates and you will burn! Jay Hoover will not forgive you for speaking with people who name him "Jay Hoover".
The WT never has cared about the huge number that leave. All they care about is keeping the $$$ an£££'s etc rolling in.
They try to keep as many as they can in by mind controlled fear. But if some leg it, just drag some more in.
And this judgmental "sister" has the typical attitude of cult members, the people that are leaving have tried it, lived it, examined it and found it wanting, but according to her and her ilk, there is nothing wrong with the cult, it is the ones who leave who are at fault in some way.
Heard that same line 20 years ago from a CO, referring to "weak" ones who leave......we shepherd them and drag back in the ones the angels worked hard to get out.
That's right..........NO ONE would leave the Spiritual Paradise unless it was the angels forcing them out.
BTW - I think they resolved that issue by ceasing the Shepherding Work.