It's tough for many here to answer in accord with what you are asking.
I will try. For your panic attacks, you might have to face those tough choices one day. If you can see a counselor, see one.
If you are in limbo while sorting it all out, try to fake "field-service." Don't go as much as you can, turn in a minimal number of hours to keep the elders off your back. If you don't feel you can fake it entirely, then go out once a month for an hour. Use your panic attacks as a reason not to go out more. See a doctor about anything whatsoever and say you are seeing a doctor and just cannot do more. (Even seeing a doctor on television is technically "seeing a doctor.")
If you are going to tell us that you can't fake it, can't just put in one hour a month because of something, then YES, talk about just the Bible and don't even offer literature at the doors.
Figure out a way to fade entirely from at least the recruiting aspect of that false religion.