Is there any way around this? (Preaching when you don't believe)

by venusinfauxfurs 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's tough for many here to answer in accord with what you are asking.

    I will try. For your panic attacks, you might have to face those tough choices one day. If you can see a counselor, see one.

    If you are in limbo while sorting it all out, try to fake "field-service." Don't go as much as you can, turn in a minimal number of hours to keep the elders off your back. If you don't feel you can fake it entirely, then go out once a month for an hour. Use your panic attacks as a reason not to go out more. See a doctor about anything whatsoever and say you are seeing a doctor and just cannot do more. (Even seeing a doctor on television is technically "seeing a doctor.")

    If you are going to tell us that you can't fake it, can't just put in one hour a month because of something, then YES, talk about just the Bible and don't even offer literature at the doors.

    Figure out a way to fade entirely from at least the recruiting aspect of that false religion.

  • truth_b_known

    The first time I found myself just truly not caring about the ministry was a Sunday after the meeting. It was the last day of the month. We were reminded to turn in our field service reports and I realized I had not been out in the ministry at all.

    I went out after the meeting for about an hour. Of that hour about 50 minutes was driving (25 minutes there and 25 minutes back). Before I even left the Kingdom Hall I had already report 9 hours of for the month.

    Honestly, if you cannot stomach leaving (which can be very hard to do) then just fake it. Just go out after the Sunday meeting by yourself and "go out" I mean to lunch or the movies or wherever. Then report your time.

    The old joke was "If I have my suit and tie on in public, people know who I am and what I am doing. So, I am going to report that time."

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I remember going out when I was done with that religion. I moved to street work so That I only had a few opportunities to talk to people. Going out only an hour in the field work. I worked by myself alot. I started doing alot of what some other publishers did when they were younger. Pretending to push the doorbell, etc etc. I remember giving a half hearted introduction only to have the householder object and honestly, I agreed with him. It's really the worst torture and I really feel for people that are stuck in, and half to conduct this week after week

  • Butterflyleia85

    I know it's not "the truth" but it isn't a bad life for me,and I still very much believe in God.

    I know what you mean... when I was in, it was alot more comfortable and easier to stay in disregarding the facts! The panic attacks (which I not sure I will have to look at your other post about the subject) but it's because you are facing fear or gulit of leaving in most cases. Fear of not knowing were to go and who else is right with good beleifs and morals.

    Find these stories incouraging or anything else you find on this website:

    for anyone still in, and loves God and the Bible, do you try to have conversations about those things at the door, rather than WT doctrine?

    I still strongly believe in God!! and the Bible! just fyi if you are thinking that love changes somehow by chance when you leave...

    But just to answer your question when you go out in service (as a not in but loves God and the bible)... You should use your Bible more then anything... Read a scripture from it that encourage you and maybe what goes along with what you went over in the Daily Text or Watchtower that month.

    But if I were you my conscience would not allow me to go out in service.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I know it's not "the truth" but it isn't a bad life for me,and I still very much believe in God.

    I know what you mean... when I was in, it was alot more comfortable and easier to stay in disregarding the facts! The panic attacks (which I not sure I will have to look at your other post about the subject) but it's because you are facing fear or gulit of leaving in most cases. Fear of not knowing were to go and who else is right with good beleifs and morals.

    Find these stories incouraging or anything else you find on this website:

    for anyone still in, and loves God and the Bible, do you try to have conversations about those things at the door, rather than WT doctrine?

    I still strongly believe in God!! and the Bible! just fyi if you are thinking that love changes somehow by chance when you leave...

    But just to answer your question when you go out in service (as a not in but loves God and the bible)... You should use your Bible more then anything... Read a scripture from it that encourage you and maybe what goes along with what you went over in the Daily Text or Watchtower that month.

    But if I were you my conscience would not allow me to go out in service.

  • Ding

    I heard of one JW in your situation who went door-to-door handing out copies of the gospel of John – nothing else. Of course, this wouldn't work if you had a believing JW as a partner.

  • dozy

    There is a way around your situation. A good friend of mine has known for years that it isn't the truth , but stays in for the sake of his marriage & family , and also , like you , he believes in God & the bible and hasn't found any other religion to be any superior in this regard. He also advises the RBC on certain legal matters , despite the fact that he came off as an elder a couple of years ago.

    His ministry is basically a dozen or so "route calls" , mainly on elderly ones who regard him as a personal friend. He has a cup of tea with them , reads a scripture or two , leaves a magazine if he feels it is appropriate. Out of principle he never invites them to the meetings , other than the memorial.

    He kind of acts as a social worker , doing a few minor errands such as changing a light bulb , putting water in the car & checking the tyres etc. They love him and value his monthly visits. He probably books about 6 - 10 hours a month (he doesn't pad out his report).

    It works for him , at the moment anyway , though he does realise that long term it is probably not a sustainable position. He feels he is doing some good (frankly far more practical good than the self righteous pioneers in his congregation achieve in 90 hours a month.)

  • Ucantnome

    Is there any way around this? (Preaching when you don't believe)

    I think that if you are identified as a JW. Then I think it identifies one as a believer in the birth of the kingdom in 1914/18 which is fine if you believe it.

    I dont think there is any way around this.

  • Paralipomenon

    While I was physically in, but mentally out, I would just make up numbers on my monthly report.

    Avoid service altogether.

  • Vanderhoven7

    My Dad was with the Witnesses for 5 years; I never became one.

    But the most important thing, if you love God and His word, is to find His will and do matter what the sacrifice. Anything you give up, houses or family or friends for His sake and the gospel, you will be rewarded for. Ask Him for the strength to do what is right, and honorable and pleasing to Him and He will provide the guidance you need. He will give you His peace and boldness in lieu of panic, when you are bent on doing in His will.

    Faith comes with integrity.

    And I promise I will do my best to follow my own advice.

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