Will the WT stats take a dive in 2014?

by Aussie Oz 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Liberty

    Great comments! I am interested in how JWs jusify to themselves that Jesus has been "ruling invisibly" for 100 years by 2014 and has seemingly done nothing in all this time except chose the inept Watch Tower Society to further His cause. I don't know how anyone with two brain cells banging together wouldn't at least question the strange lack of action on Christ's part for all these years. What was the point of starting to rule and yet doing nothing for 100 years? More than enough evidence to show the entire concept is nonsense but, then again, so is nearly every aspect of Watchtowerism and yet they still believe.

    The old Fred Franz timelines at least made some "sense" in their day and context but the whole system is now time-proven false. Some creative new chronology needs to be advaced but Fred Franz, Russel, and Rutherford types must be in short supply so they are essentially left with a broken and outdated chronology/theology. Christ's rule for a full century is looking pretty pathetic and a new "invisible presence" start date is way overdue. Fortunately for us Apostates the Watch Tower's authority is directly tied to the old broken chronology so they will have a difficult time sweeping too much of it under the rug.

    I hope 2014 wakes more of them up but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Bangalore

    Well they did survive the 1975 scandal. But this time it might be a bit different.


  • truth_b_known

    The evil empire has always told us that Bible prophecies has minor and major fulfillments.

    2 Thess. 3 " Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction."

    The evil empire tells us that the coming of a "great apostasy". The original Christian congregation supposedly did not last very long past the last remaining apostle on earth. It wasn't until Charles Taze Russell began his ministry in the latter part of the 19th century that the true religion was re-established on earth.

    Let's look at this logically -

    1) Jesus, the son of God, establishes Christianity as the one, true religion on earth. This was supposed to take place around the year 33 A.D./C.E. with Pentacost being the date that officially starts the Christian congregation with God's blessing.

    2) Jesus assends to heaven and leaves the Christian congregation in the hands of the apostles.

    3) In a few short decades the Christian congregation is taken over by apostates and no religion on earth now has God's stamp of approval.

    4) In the latter half of the 19th century Charles Taze Russell is used by Jesus to re-establish an approved religion on earth and it has become known as "Jehovah Witnesses".

    What reason has the evil empire given for some 17 centuries of there being no acceptable religion on earth? I was taught that the Christian congregation could not have endure 20 centuries of this system of things, waiting for the end. Correct me if I am wrong, but now I will get to my point;

    How could the original Christian congregation supposedly only last decades past Pentecost before it fell to apostasy, but the evil empire exist in 3 different centuries and keep on going?

    With this "New Light" on the word "generation" the year 1914 no longer has anything to do with the "end of this system of things". I saw sister post on her Facebook page that the end could come as early as 2030. So, 1914 will continue to be a central doctrine, but it no longer has no bearing on "the end".

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Time is their worst enemy. They will always have an excuse and there will always be those to accept them



    The WBT$ will find a way to cook the books..

    5 minutes a month will make you a publisher..15 minutes a month will make you a pioneer..

    You can start counting time when you wake up in the morning..

    There will be no need to leave the house to go Door to Door..

    Walk out your back door and walk in the front door..You have just been door to door..

    WBT$ numbers will..


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    They did manage the 1975 debacle quite well, rebounding in the 80's with good growth.

    But 2014 will be different for a few reasons:

    1) the Internet - there is just soooooo much info out there now as opposed to 1975. It would be virtually impossible to do all the research that has been done on the Internet just using libraries alone. Count their own cd rom as part of the equation too. The searchability of the WT LIB is an incredible research tool as well.

    2) Time - it all made kind of sense up to 2000. The twentieth century WAS an outstanding period of time politically, socially, scientifically. You really could imagine it all leading up to something BIG. Couple that with the 1914 generation dying off at about the end and VOILA! It all makes "perfect sense." Now though, not so much. You can't just redefine the word "generation" and piggyback off the 20th century. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

    3) Uninspired - we all know that they were NEVER INSPIRED in the Holy Spirit sense, but at least there were some "inspiring" albeit weird ideas in the books. Now the writing is pretty gray. You can tell the GB is afraid to come up with anything "new" which just makes the rehashed old material look more and more dated.

    I really hope the passing of 2014, coupled with increasingly weird and cultlike behavior, wakes some of my family up. I do not expect it to happen overnight.

    Not with a bang, but a whimper.

  • truth_b_known

    In the early 80's I was in elementary school. I remember being told that this system of things would end before I ever got to high school. I have friends my age who have children graduating high school.

    I think part of the reason many stay in the evil empire is that they could not cope with the overwhelming defeat of realizing they spent the best years of their life saying "no" to life. How does one who is sixty or seventy, been a windowwasher their whole adult life, has no retirement or pension, come to terms with the fact that they have bought in to dillusion and give it all up?

  • LV101

    Omigoodess --- Outlaw! I really needed the laugh.


  • diamondiiz

    "We don't serve for a date" - remember that one? They will just have to emphasize this pile of BS some more in the coming years.

    "We love Jehovah and it doesn't matter if the end comes in our lifetime" - another good one to put some guilt on those who might think it odd that Jesus' return was 100 years ago and he has accomplished absolutely nothing.

    "Love of the greater number will cool off" - if there is any negative talk, you know brothers what the bible says...The love cooling off is talking about faithful so you know the end must be near......

    Many arguments will support WTS line to guilt others to continue on. The may put stricter rules in regards to those who leave, they already are calling people mentally diseased so no faithful dub wants to be mentally diseased they they.

    I'm sure there will be more people who will wake up and wonder what's going on but the big question is will they quickly fall asleep again and continue fallowing the filthy and disgusting shitheads or will they actually stay awake long enough to realize they've been conned and finally leave the cult.

  • steve2
    Time is their worst enemy.

    yes and no. Let's not forget Christians have been on the edge of their seats waiting for Christ's return for 2 millenia. Duh!

    Facing the facts has never ever been a strength of end times religions. Just when you see membership sagging, an event happens that scares them back into activity. Look at the reported full kingdom halls in the wake of 9/11. Months later, the scared-into-action members started drifting off again. Pathetic.

    Remember too that the only difference between a delusion and a religion is numbers: A lone individual who believed such nonsense would be declared delusion; more than one who believes the same nonsense is declared a member of a religion. As I say, yes and no.

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